Compose a poem centred around the theme of love languages.
Love languages refer to the ways in which we express and feel love.
Love can be beautiful, I am told
Leave you feeling complete
while helping you heal your holes
It can take you to new places, outside of yourself
Love over lust, there is a difference
Lust is simple and fun
No deep meaning to support it
The initial butterflies. One by one fly away
What makes love real
It’s knowing how your life would be better
Just to have them near
Seeing them smile,from ear to ear
The glimmer of light that twinkles in there eye when you walk by
Slight touch of their hand touches your soul
Like an electrical current runs through your body straight to your toes
Good or bad days or Drag out exchanges
Knowing in the end it was all worth it
So do your best to save it
Love isn’t measured by transactional offers
It isn’t left out allowing others to encounter
Not about their the job or the money they make
Rather the connection that’s shared
No one can break
Love doesnt have to be perfect
It usually is not. Not like you grew up to believe
The Prince on his horse isn’t coming to save me
Sometimes in life you do get lucky
You meet them and never question the timing
No matter the issue together you will be stronger
During life’s roughest storms, you encounter
Strong winds or rain looking to tear you from each other
The storm doesn’t realize how much you love her
Never to hurt them or make them cry
Not walking away because it’s easier or because you are bored inside
You represent their hope and stability
Even when they think they look ugly
Its not testing the water to check
Something is better for you along the way
Giving them all of you never having to question your Trust or loyalty.
The bond is built never to be broken
What you share there is not for anyone to speak of..
The quiet nights
Where time stands still
Even when you fight your love retains
Laughter so loud it permeates
Until the sun begins to rise again
While you both question, where the night went and how much time has passed
Being without them makes you wonder how you ever managed that …
When you find it, it won’t be debated
Deep down you will know they were sent here for you
You don’t want to let go… and hope you never have to.