This Is The Last

I swore the last one was the last

I swore I wouldn’t write another

Not another about you

Or about our love

Or about how you make me feel

How you made me feel

But this, is exactly how it is

How we went from lying in that bed

In disbelief that anyone could love anyone

The way I love you

And the way you love me.

How you left me that day

Without a doubt in my head

That it would be us in the end

How we would call all day and night

Talking or not

You were always in mind

I listened to you laugh

I listened to you snore

You listened to me gab

And listened some more

All over the phone.

Our love was pure

Our love was true

Even from the other side of the world

I knew it was you

But now I’m sitting here,

On your side of the world

Having been so close to you in space

But you refused to see my face

You never told me why

Never said goodbye

But love is the lie

That keeps us alive

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