A photo booth camera captures the moment when a girl confesses something to her friend.

In a poem or short story, describe the image and let the readers infer the nature of the confession.

Into each other’s skin

Why do you look so scared,

is not like I’m a monster,

a shapeshifter,

a sin!

Why do you turn away?

Why do you guard your heart,

as if your soul’s in danger,

in deep dark,

in a trap!

Why do you plan escaping?

Why don’t you talk to me,

about the little nothings,

the things that hurt,

the feelings!

Why can’t we be the same?

Why won’t we take this picture,

of us when hearts are open,

when I am finally honest

and you - afraid!

Why don’t you let me say it?

The truth - that you and I,

as simply friends,

as humans,

as authors of our lives!

That we…long time ago,

we ceased to write poetry,

and, instead, we sharpened blades

to carve the eternity into

each other’s skin.

Why do you look away?

You know I’ve always loved you.

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