
Was he conscious? Alex wasn’t sure. After the events that had occurred, Alex didn’t even know if he, himself, was awake. For all he knew, they could both be dead. He tried to think of what had happened; he remembered that they had heard of a sanctuary for people like them and they had been trying to get there. They hadn’t gotten far…. The hunters - their hunters - had found them, and suddenly they were in what seemed like a war. Alex knew it couldn’t have lasted more than five minutes. It was clear they were supposed to die in just one attack. Alex wondered, at this point, if the sanctuary was just a trap to lure them into this situation. It had to be. That was the only thing that made sense. He should have known that it was too good to be true, and he had to go and elevate the idea that there was a safe haven for them. God, he was a fool. He had always been a fool. That was his biggest flaw, and now, they were nothing but flies in a web.

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