
Terrifying and endless.

This spiral of darkness I’ve been

whirl-winded into.

The magic was a promise, and it kept.

What no one told me is how devastating my sense would be.

The day I met her,

My world,

Time stopped.

The second she brushed my arm the wind was stolen from my lungs, and the seasons changed.

The most beautiful women I had ever bestowed.

Immediately she shone like a bright light, luminescent and transcendent.

Her new found light a way to find me in my darkest places.

I got mine as well. Although I didn’t understand at first.

Each time I touched a person I was overwhelmed.

The smell of the unknown overtook every sense for a split second.

It took two weeks for me to put two and two together.

We were walking on a street and bumped into a rig worker.

He transported me into a world of burning oily tar.

The smell so strong I almost passed out.

Pretending to ignore it we kept walking, until we saw on the news a few hours later, that that man was pronounced DOS.

There was an accidental soul on his oil rig.

The guy next to him had a cigarette lit setting the rig aflame.

He burned to death in those oily flames.

I didn’t want to believe it until walked my baby niece back to her mom one day, and she smelt like chlorine.

She drowned a week later in their pool.

Everywhere I got, everything I touch, no matter who or where, I smell what surrounds their death.

How do I tell the love of my life that I know how she’s going to die.

How do I live, never wanting to touch again?

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