Write a poem about seeing the face of someone you love.

Whether romantic, platonic, or familial love, use emotive language to convery the feeling you get when you see this person.

The Side And I

I was a brother once,

But now I’m no ones brother.

Just a father.

Just a husband.

Just a far away son.

Mom couldn’t wear the same black dress to all your guys’ funerals.

David was excited to be an uncle,

But he didn’t even make it to 26.

It was a shotgun wedding,

But perhaps the word inspired Kerry.

Two brothers didn’t have a choice.

Two did have a choice.

I’m the only one that chose to stay.

I look at the football,

all our mulleted faces flashing in my mind.

I glance at the guitar,

Mike’s poster suddenly on a cork board.

I stare at the lanes on a highschool field,

Kerry’s gift used.

I freeze at the postcard,

David’s ending like a star.

Being a father, husband, son…

It’s a wish come true.

But my wish didn’t come true.

Because I have to meet you all,

On the other side.

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