Start a poem with an onomatopoeia and end it with a different one.

An onomatopoeia is a word that mimics the sound of something such as bark, boom, or screech. These sounds can tell a story if used effectively!


Blip Blip Blip The icicle drips Spring equinox ignored The sun sits and mocks Behind a cloud The trees are bare and bored How they had hoped It would be time For cherry blossom blooms Instead skies gray Til nearly May An ever-present gloom The calander said It was an Equinox Children huddle by windows Praying for some respite From freezing winds From the constant barage of snow But the earth seems set In a wintry bliss Unwilling to awaken The frosty path Beneath your feet Repeats its unmistaken Crunch Crunch Crunch
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