Submitted by L. R. Haven
The Scars on Our Hearts
Write a poem which could have this as the title.
The Scars On Our Hearts
The scars on our hearts,
Serve as a reminder.
That love will come with a cost.
Will you pay that cost?
Will you try to heal the scars?
the scars will never heal Or will you carry on, ignoring the pain?
i deserve the pain
Will you bandage them?
Will you try to stitch it together?
Will you add an ointment?
Or will you let it bleed…
Will you convince yourself you deserve it?
i deserve it Will you give up.
i should give up
You are better.
The smile taped on will become real eventually.
Don’t give up,
If not for yourself, then for me.
You need to learn how much you mean to those round about you.