Hold Me Close


You wanna know something? It’s okay, doll. I’m not mad. How could I ever be mad at you?

I wasn’t mad at how my filling leaked from my left foot. That wasn’t your fault, not at all. I get it, time goes on and keeping everything together for so long makes one weary. I can see it in both of us, doll. From the growth of your limbs to the bleakness in your face that comes and goes, I’ve seen you grow and I’ve seen you fall apart too. Even then, you still find time to gently hold my hand or talk to me about your days that you have, finding comfort within me and vice versa. We’ve both grown weary, and I’m not mad.

I wasn’t mad when you left me on the park’s swing. That was a simple mistake. I sat and waited for you, not moving, only watching. The sky turned from blue to pink to near black as I sat in the swing, the wind pushing me as a friend would do. You returned to the park before the Sun had set, wrapping your arms around my torso and cried into me. I stood still as you held onto me, waving goodbye to the wind. We all make mistakes, and I’m not mad, doll.

I wasn’t mad every time I dropped onto the floor. That wasn’t your choice. You were sound asleep, as you should have been. The fall was a bit high, but it never hurt me. Sometimes, I would make it a game to roll under your bed once I fell. A game of hide and seek, if you will, doll. Sometimes, I checked under your bed for monsters throughout the night under that same bed. You always worried about those monsters under the bed, remember? And every morning, you’d search for me under the bed, and I would peek out with a smile on my face. Before I could say “boo”, you’d pull me back up and apologize rather profusely for kicking me off. You weren’t in your sense of mind, and I’m not mad.

You see, doll? I could never be mad at you. I know that my voice may never reach your ears, but that’s okay, you’ve grown too old to hear my voice. I’m not mad. Not at you, ever. At the end of every day, good or bad, you always held me close. That alone made me happy, always. As long as you hold me close, I’m happy.

Sincerely, Teddy.

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