Please, leave alone my broken soul
Write a vilanelle that includes this in it. A vilanelle is a nineteen-line poetic form consisting of five tercets followed by a quatrain.
There was a day when my heart was shattered, I feared far beyond repair.
There was a day my soul was shattered, which caused nothing but despair.
I cried out and I pleaded with the world,
Please, leave alone my broken soul.
The world had other plans. It pulled and it pushed and it shattered and repaired until my soul was new again, until my heart was whole. The pain the world had caused was restored when I received the gift of you. You helped me see that there was far more to life than the pain. You helped me mend, you helped me heal, you let me cry when it became too much, and when all I wanted was to cry out “please, leave alone my broken soul,” you gently reminded me that you were here with me to hold my broken soul, to help it mend, to help it heal. Until I once again was whole.