Title your poem after someone you have felt profoundly influenced by in your life.
It doesn’t have to be someone you know personally, but the poem should reflect why this person is important to you, even if it is not directly about them.
I see the world in shades of gray
But even I’m a hypocrite
I hate you for taking him from me, I say
But wait-
Why do I blame you?
Why not blame him?
He who took me for granted and threw me away?
You with the trauma, dead parents and all
Blame the girl always, and the man gets off
You fell for his charm, you wanted to be loved
I don’t blame you anymore
I was you, growing up
Heal first, baby girl
Love will come later
And never fall for a liar or a hater
You’re worth much more, don’t settle for less
I’ll find someone better and you will too
Trust me, love as I trusted you.