Your character wakes up one day with the ability to hear the thoughts of those around them.
How will you take this typical sci-fi idea and make your own narrative interesting?
[S.C, Bloodlines. CH 8]
Of course she hadn’t seen the set up for Gabe’s ceremony. Sitting in a room, away from everyone else. All the other vampires would meet her tonight, see the mess she was cast into. Hopefully join the fight to find her mother.
“So we just sit here?” Amelya groaned.
“Actually according to the old days of the ceremonies. We should be giving you a run down on the history of our kind” Jayden said, shuffling with his tie in front of the mirror.
The room itself wasn’t much to look at, high ceilings a few couches scattered across the room, black rugs and curtains. One big coffin of a room, bathed in darkness.
“So how did it all start?” Amelya sat up, her interest peaked.
“Ughhhh. Must I tell the story alone” Jayden groaned, not quite getting the tie right. “A witch had a family, who she lost in a fire. She brought them back, all six children and her lover. Forever starting the six lines of sire.”
“Each of her children started a bloodline. All sacred. Setting up the six houses of blood. We are house Emerald, their third daughter. Who’s body resides in this sanctuary”
“She died” Amelya questioned.
“Not exactly, long ago they were all dried out. Some by the heads of the houses. Others by waring factions “ Jayden sat on top of the couch picking at his suit.
“That’s kinda crappy. They are the origin and they were treated like that?”
“If any of them died. They would wipe out the whole house” Cleo added in hoping off her couch and falling onto the couch next to Amelya. “The council of houses couldn’t have that.”
“Still that’s pretty crappy for them.”
“At that point they were hundreds of years old anyway” Jayden shrugged.
“So what happens after the ceremony?”
“Welp. Your gonna be sent off to our parents cottage, it’s much farther out then Lexi’s.” Jayden let a cocky smile slide across his face.
“Wipe that off your face. She’ll be there with me.” Cleo hissed, pulling Amelya closer. “You can just fuck right off.”
“I thought we were sharing?” Jayden laughed.
“No! She’s mine” Cleo was nearly squeezing her to death. “I’ve already kissed and paired to her”
“Well we’ll see who….” Faster then she could blink, Cleo was holding Jayden by his tie. Dangling him off the back of the couch , while standing on the leather cushions.
“You even think of defiling her, I’ll end you” Her eyes had changed from their swirl of blue and green to a black void. “I’m not playing, she’s all mine”
“Don’t you think that should be her choice?” Cleo’s eyes looked over at Amelya, flashing back to their normal color as a somber image of her not being chosen flashed through her mind.
She dropped him, flat onto his back with a loud thud. Not even looking back she started for the two large doors.
“Please don’t leave me….” Amelya cried out, hoping off the couch and hugging her from behind. “This is all very strange and I’ve never been in to girl’s before. But your different and I want you here till and after my ceremony “
Jayden brushed himself off and just watched the couple. Knowing full well that he really wasn’t that interested. It was lol just to rile her up.
“I’m sorry sis. You know I’m just pulling your chain.” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “You already know my secret. So I don’t get why you’re getting mad”
“Sorry too. I just really enjoy the feel of this….” Cleo turned and kissed Amelya quickly then looked to her brother. “Why do I feel like everything is about to get worse though…”
“Like calm before the storm type stuff” Amelya questioned, leaning into another kiss.
“Ok. Kill the make out session “ He joked.
“So what’s the plan with my mom…. If we are all out in the boondocks, how we gonna find her”
“I’m not sure we can…” Jayden didn’t mean to be negative but all the house councils couldn’t find him. What was the probability they could.
“We can talk to Lexi’s mom. She’s on the council, she might be our best bet” Cleo made sure to rub Amelya’s back, hopefully to give a small once of comfort.
A few hours of sitting around. Amelya and Cleo cuddled up in front of the fireplace. Jayden sitting off on another sofa, reading a book. Half jealous of their close proximity, half enviously wishing he had some to cuddle.
He was one of the last of their small group left without a pair. Amelya was of course his partly, that he could feel. Yet she still didn’t feel fully his, it was confusing for sure.
“Please follow me” A stranger had stepped into the room silently, a girl close in age to the other teens. Her hair was of a purple hue, still laced with black. Purple lipstick across her full lips and eye shadows and sparkles.
It was time.
Stepping out into the bright light of house emerald, Amelya could hardly make out the council seats. Let alone all the vampires in the crowd. All cheering like they had done for her brother Gabe only a few days before.
A line of six other humans stood before her. All of them standing next to their pairs. A few of each sex, none of them looked her way. Even though she was the only one with two pairs , one being the same sex.
“Welcome all” The same female vampire announcer from days before started. “Welcome to the 1764th ceremony for house Emerald “.
The crowd erupted with cheers, only to be silenced when she lifted her arm up.
“We welcome all the new additions to our ranks. Please let the council speak now. Head seat Verona Jones.”
“Like Lizzy said. We welcome you all. A few rules need to be laid out before you all. There are four rules that each and everyone must swear by.” She paused, stepping down from the council seats. “Rule one, no unnecessary feeding on humans. Rule two, We have hidden in secret for hundreds of years. It must always stay hidden. Rule three, only the council may turn humans. Rule four, we follow the council laws to the t.”
The crowd was silent, many heads in the crowd nodded as each rule was spoken.
“If you wish to join us and follow our rules. Please bow” She continued.
All the humans on stage bowed. Almost in perfect unison, Amelya along with them. The crowd bellowed at the new members. Only to be cut short when Verona lifted her hand.
“The blood of the ancestors please” As she spoke, a large bowl and a gold chalice was wheeled out by three or four other vampires. “Each of you will drink from the chalice and then your pair will end your human life. which then you will be put out to your new families cabin for the next few months until your evaluation. Where you’ll be pulled into our ranks”
Fear hadn’t quite set in until the bowl of blood came close. Amelya could only watch as each of the humans before her entered into their rebirth….. Each one looking into the eyes of their pair before being killed by them. In any other way it was a sick ritual, but it was to bring them together even further.
When the vampire handed her the gold cup, she smiled at Cleo before reaching out and planting a kiss on her lips.
“I want you to remember the warmth” She whispered before taking a long gulp. “See you on the other side”
The blood felt hot like the first sip of alcohol she’d ever tasted. It burned her throat and flared across her body. Cleo let a few tears fall as she kissed her once more, before everything went black.
Amelya could feel the warmth fading, knowing full well what it meant. Seconds later, breathing resumed but she could feel it all different.
The blood smell filled her nose, wetting her mouth. A hunger starting to burn at her stomach.
“Rise my child, touched by the ancestors you are” A voice called from somewhere deep inside the sanctuary.
Opening her eyes, focused on every single noise in the room. Breathing of each and every vampire, then I can in one quick wave.
“God that girl couple is so hot” A males voice entered her mind.
“Crazy how now we have gay vampires “ Another voice slipped in.
“I just want to be back at home, god these are boring “ Another and another. Till she’d heard at least one thought from everyone in the room.
Looking up at Jayden and Cleo. Cleo whipping away the few tears and smiling whole heartedly.
“I hated doing it, but if Jayden did it. Maybe she’d be his” Cleo’s thoughts rushed into her mind.
“I’m gonna be stuck with them for the next few months. This is gonna be such a drag.”
“I hope our vote went the right way” A council persons thought rushed in.
“This is crazy, she has a pair of pairs” Another’s thoughts flowed in.
“They are a mockery to the ancestors”
“I can hear them” She whispered as Cleo pulled her to her feet.
“Hear what?” Cleo whispered back, as the whole room erupted into clapping.
Amelya looked over at Lexi’s mother. Stopping the loud celebration.
“I welcome you all to house Emerald! Go enjoy your first night as a newling “ As she gestured a large door above the sanctuary opened up. Letting in the night air and a cloudless sky of moonlight.
Running felt endless to her, the trees a blur. Her eyes locked ahead, focused on Cleo’s back. All of her thoughts nearly unmentionable.
Stepping into the threshold of the cabin warmth and the smell of clean clothes filled the air. It was like new, all of it. The smells, the feel of everything.