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I don’t say much of anything

But I say a lot anyways

I write what I hope will resonate

But it’s nothing new, and quickly fades

Cat videos become political

Cable News becomes a place of war

When did the ignorant become analytical

Why do we like, comment, then ignore

I disgust, I anger, I troll

Just to see what the world has to say

One day, I will pay the toll

When my ignorance takes my life away

A pervert on tumblr

A celebrity on twitch

I think I’m funny on Tik tok

But facebook’s a bitch

Left or right

I say you’re not very bright

I don’t care what you say, you’re wrong

No I don’t explain

I just troll you again

So this game that I play, play along

Username: anonymous

Not a man, just autonomous

With not a single original thought

I pretend I’m safe on the web

But the spiders made me this bed

And one day, I’ll be eaten and left to rot...

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