
The only thing I can see is the figure in front of me, a girl, her hair is so long, I wish my hair was like that. I don’t know why I’m following her, it seems wrong, whispers like the wind. Whispers of sweets, whispers of a bed, whispers of food, whispers of love. Promising whispers if I only follow her. My foot crunches on the soft ground, I look to where her feet should be, is she floating? Whispers, whispers of care, whispers of warmth, if I only follow her. Her long, pretty hair, hair that falls to the middle of her dress. Her dress is long and flowy, the sleeves reach all the way down to her hand, and her nails are long, almost like blades. Whispers, whispers of cute animals, whispers of toys, if I only follow her. My feet hurt, how long have I been walking? Whispers, whispers of nice shoes, whispers of comfort, if I only follow her. Whispers and whispers, whispers and more whispers, promising things that will never come. Not for this poor girl not for the next, not for anyone who follows the whispers.

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