Create a character with a specific personailty flaw. Detail this flaw and how it affects their life, perhaps including a scene where it leads them to make a bad decision.
Repairing Yourself Like Makeup
You like videos of people repairing makeup because it proves to you that something that was once loved and beautiful, that is since destroyed and irreplaceable, can be brought back almost to its original state.
Weither you realize it or not, your brain is subconsciously comparing the makeup to you. Because that’s what you always do, compare. Hell, look at you, you’re comparing yourself to inanimate objects. You’ve compared your self worth to a dog! You genuinely wondered if your mother loved the family dog more than you.
I’ll still watch the videos. I’ll still tuck them into a folder to watch later when I’m manic again and need to feel in control. It’s never just fun videos. There’s a reason you watch them.
_[im not sure this fits the prompt. Whatever]_