The Shroud

Her feet pounded the frost packed dirt as she raced through the trees, knowing now exactly how the deer felt being hunted. The shouts of men echoed towards her as she flung her self over a fallen oak scraping her palms, she just had to clear these last few meters and dive into the hollow cleft under the roots of Rowen and Yew that form a tunnel to the shores of the Shrouding.

They laid their dead here, pushed them out into the mist covered lake to continue the souls journey to be judged, so many of her village didnt stay here or enter without it being completely necessary.

Edens face flashed before her as she scrambled over the smooth dark pebbles, the kind soul that needed to be protected from the evil of this world.

Lilith had never minded getting hers damned to protect it, but how would she do that now she was hunted by her own village? Who would look out for her and protect her? Would she be hunted next? These questions raced through her mind as she clattered her way towards the shore.

“Didnt think we’d follow you out here, did you?” He snarled.

Lilith paused and turned to face them, better to know what she was facing.

“Now its time to pay you witch.” He smirked as two more men from her village stepped onto the pebbles.

“Pay for what exactly, rejecting you?” Lilith hissed holding her chin up and meeting Farrons eyes. He was the village lead fighter, though their quiet dock village hadnt seen any problems in years due to their closenesss with the land of the dead. Most thought the town cursed and wouldnt leave the docks, opting to remain on the boats.

Sneering Farron took a step closer,

“Well this can all stop if you accept my offer, and behave as a woman should. What life can you have if you refuse?”

“A free one, one worth living!” She spoke clearly, bending quickly to snatch a stone she hurled it at his head.

Farron raised his arm to protect his face but, the pebble found its mark snapping his head back. He staggered back touching a finger to his brow, examining the blood as if it were dirt. Farron gaze connected with hers ice meeting amber.

“Kill her.” He ordered.

Her plan had given them an idea as each bent to collect rocks and hurl them at her she only had on way to escape. Turning she waded into the lake whilst being battered with rocks she couldnt avoid, once she was waist level she drove swimming out to the deeper parts of the lake. The cold stole the air from her lungs, contracting her muscles.

Resufacing under the mist curtain she could hear them shouting on the shore, she could wait out here till they got bored no matter that it was freezing.

“Well if I cant have her I suppose the sister will have to do.” Farron laughed as their distored figures receeded from the shore.

Liliths heart sank. No. Not her sister shed make them all pay.

Her last oath and a skeleton hand wrapped around her ankle and pulled her into the abyss.

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