I Didn’t Do It

As I’m sitting in interrogation room for the murder of Kate Hiyson I’m wondering what led me to this moment. It started two months ago, when I got home from college for the summer. Me and my friends Johnny Sullagin and Kate Hiyson wanted to go up to the old treehouse we hung out in when we were teenagers. As we went up the smell of old tobacco still lumed over us. We stayed up there for hours getting high like we used to, when Johnny decided it was a good idea to go back home. As I get up at leave as well, Kate told us to go on without her and that’d she wanted to check something, said she’d get an Uber. We couldn’t convince her otherwise so we left. That was the last time I saw my best friends beautiful smile. Me and Johnny left and he dropped me off home. Next thing I know the cops knock on my front door and tell me I’m under arrest and that my best friend is dead. This is what I tell the police. I left out the part where Johnny went back to the hangout to see Kate dead in the bushes. I left out the part where he called me to help him clean up the body. I left out the part where our old music teacher was blackmailing us and Kate was going to tell the police everything that happened 5 years ago. I left out the part where 5 years ago me Johnny Sullagin and Kate Hiyson was playing with matches behind the school and accidently started the fire that killed the music teachers son. I tell the police what I was told to say, that me and Johnny left and Kat was so high she fell out of the treehouse and hit her head.

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