She’s Not Who She Says She is

“She’s not who she says she is”

From the outsides, A pretty 16 year old girl.

Millions of friends.

The most hot boyfriend in school.

And long silky strawberry blonde hair.

The most perfect lips.

A wardrobe that everyone dies for.

A skinny body.

But truthfully this girl who seems “perfect” isn’t at all.

Pretty?! She takes hours and hours doing loads of makeup on her face covering up everything, She puts so much on she sometimes doesn’t even recognize herself.

All her friends she knows if she does one wrong move embarrassing them, They are gonna ruin her.

Her boyfriend, She knows he’s cheating on her with many other girls, But she just won’t accept it.

Her hair she spends countless amounts of money, On hair appointments, she spends time researching the best best protectants so she can just burn off all of her natural curls, and styling products she know will just get her a few “your hair looks shiny” and “your hair smells so good”.

Her lips, She over lines then times after times to look perfect.

Her wardrobe, chic and in style but really her parents don’t even know she wears that stuff. And if they did she would be done.

Her body, She limits all of her junk food, Gagging down healthy food. Suffocating herself to have a “in” body.

So tell me. Is she really what you call perfect.

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