Your protagonist is awoken by a sound that they didn't expect yet; their dragon egg has begun to crack.
DragonSworn: Chapter One
Everyone in John Garter’s class’s dragon eggs had already cracked but his hadn’t, until now. He was in his bed, half-asleep, and he heard a cracking noise. He got up and looked to see his dragon egg cracking. He was excited and amazed. He was surprised when he saw that his dragon was not just one of the 4 elements, like all dragons, and that it was multicolored and it had energy sparking all around it. His window was blown open suddenly and two wizards came through. The larger of the two said, “John, we need you and your dragon to come with us.” John replied, “What?!” The two grabbed his arm and John grabbed his dragon that had now stopped sparking. They got on to a very large dragon that was green and had earth powers. They flew through the midnight sky all the way to the SpellGuard headquarters. They went inside the giant building. They ended up at the minister’s office and he said, “So, this is the DragonSworn. You ready to be the chosen one?”