Submitted by Cheyenne King

Describe a moment in life which seems to last forever.

You could write this as a poem or story, or as a descriptive paragraph.


Forever, infinty, those two words mean the same there are often related with time, but what is time ? one day is 24 hours, 1 hour is 60 minutes, one minute is 60 seconds, decades, centuries, and so on but does it matter I mean talking in literal terms as in like you need to turn this assignment in by 11:59 that's important but time to me is useless we have too many seconds to live make every second count I don’t know what if you just drop dead right now? did you make every second of your life count to us those 80 to 90 years that we live That is forever because that is our time limit when you are 90 all you will ever think about is how you missed all the opportunities you had and we can’t travel back in time unless if in your timeline they make a machine to travel back in time but that seems impossible so live your life like it's your last second to live, love unconditionally and deep, cry and cause we need to face reality and the harsh truths, laugh because you also need to feel joy trust your gut feeling because what if you were right all this time try new things because its fun to experience watch the movie again and again memories the whole script if you want to, travel somewhere even if it's in the same country it can be to a different borough or different side, **TELL YOUR CRUSH YOU LIKE THEM SO WHAT YOU GET REJECTED ITS THE TRUTH AND THERE ARE ABOUT 8 BILLION PEOPLE IN THIS PLANET**, listen to a new song go to concecert go nungee jumping try a different type of food aptempt to learn a new language take a art class experience your life because who knows what will happen the next secound

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