In a world where everyone is perfect, nothing is a mess and everyone is organized, you and you are a wild mess where nothing is ever organized and everything isn't perfect we are a canvas splashed with different colors of paint a painting that doesn't make sense we are a tricky math question the one you can never seem to get right we are layers of broken pieces of glass and so much more but I and you mixed we create a beautiful canvas with all of the right colors and shapes we are an easy math question the one that you fly through we are layers of perfect and we are fixed together so me and you we belong in this too perfect world, we belong because are beautifully imperfect in a world of just perfect.
Suck it up my mom says, closed mouths don’t get fed, stop being shy, and learn how to speak for yourself, but I can’t because as a little girl you’ve taught me to not ask for anything, to only speak when its necessary, to learn to accept and be grateful for what people give you even if it's the bare minimum, so now that I've grown up I can’t speak I'm embarrassed to ask for anything, ill die of thirst because I refuse to even ask for a glass of water in another person house, I accept the bare minimum because you've taught me that what to be grateful for, speak your mind they say, but i can’t because what if they don’t like what I'm about to say, or what if it sounds lame, or they don’t even know what I'm talking about, closed mouths don’t get fed, so I rather starve because I refuse to ask for anything, only if you want to is when im allowed getting anything, closed mouths dont fed, so I won't get fed then because I refuse to ask I refuse to speak.
he has an intoxicating smell one that I can whiff from a mile away these green eyes are mesmerizing I can look at them all day and get lost in them it's like a forest, and his voice the way he talks, his laugh, the way he listens, and is honest, but he's older and I'm little apparently, and technically he can absolutely go to jail for it I know that for sure, but if only it wasn’t I would definitely be with him, but only if he even likes me I'm sure he doesn't but it doesn't stop me from wishing it can become true and real, i know its wrong and i hate myself for it but hes so mesomorizing it makes me go crazy
I confess I haven’t been okay I'm struggling so much I miss when we were close now it's just empty I read our old text and wish it were back to that when you cared when we talked to each other and cared Now I feel like when we do talk the conversation is like a check-in nothing is said at all, I confess I don't know what we are because even tho our relationship is something people call a friendship there was more too it and I'm pretty sure you felt the same way too at least I think so I confess I wonder all night our relationship and what we have and one question I keep circling back too is what are we?
The beauty of winter is the peace it brings, the snow covering up every piece of the ground in white, just like paint on the floor spilled, the feeling of warming up from coming from the cold, snowmen the fantasy of Santa Claus spending time with family because let's be honest no one wants to be outside, decorations, making gingerbread men, matching pajamas, watching the most popular movie the grinch, hot chocolate i like mine with 6 marshmellows speacifically, pepermints, enjpying the winter break off, chirstmas songs or carols, celebrating the new years, eating 12 grapes, going beneath the table, cleaning the house trying to get rid of bad energy, doing crazy things for a good year, and then january when winter slowy fades away
It was never meant to be right? I mean I guess I was just expecting more, wanting more, my desire for wanting something I can’t have overtook me and drove me to my happiest point in life except when reality brought me back down it also drove me to my lowest point, you make me doubtful of everything you treat me so well you show interest and care and then the next day it all goes to hell, I’m scared of the fact you can control my mood, my feelings, my happiness, the way I act towards you, towards people, towards me the way I treat myself how I think of myself recently I've been drowning in my very own tears I've cried an endless ocean, no screw that a tsunami, I hate you and how you make me feel the fact you can do that is absurd and stupid I hate you for your mixed signals and your stupid smile and the way I can’t stay mad at you not for long, I hate it why can’t be able to hate you I just crave you I cave into you.
Forever, infinty, those two words mean the same there are often related with time, but what is time ? one day is 24 hours, 1 hour is 60 minutes, one minute is 60 seconds, decades, centuries, and so on but does it matter I mean talking in literal terms as in like you need to turn this assignment in by 11:59 that's important but time to me is useless we have too many seconds to live make every second count I don’t know what if you just drop dead right now? did you make every second of your life count to us those 80 to 90 years that we live That is forever because that is our time limit when you are 90 all you will ever think about is how you missed all the opportunities you had and we can’t travel back in time unless if in your timeline they make a machine to travel back in time but that seems impossible so live your life like it's your last second to live, love unconditionally and deep, cry and cause we need to face reality and the harsh truths, laugh because you also need to feel joy trust your gut feeling because what if you were right all this time try new things because its fun to experience watch the movie again and again memories the whole script if you want to, travel somewhere even if it's in the same country it can be to a different borough or different side, TELL YOUR CRUSH YOU LIKE THEM SO WHAT YOU GET REJECTED ITS THE TRUTH AND THERE ARE ABOUT 8 BILLION PEOPLE IN THIS PLANET, listen to a new song go to concecert go nungee jumping try a different type of food aptempt to learn a new language take a art class experience your life because who knows what will happen the next secound
Perfect clothes, hair, even makeup, everyone is so organized, everyone picks a color and sticks to it, nothing out of the extraordinary You are not allowed to be fat or too skinny you have to be just right and you can’t have a large nose or have freckles because that's ugly, not too loud just a normal noise level, girls are preferred to be short and petite guys are supposed to be tall and buff, but why does it matter at all why does everyone think that these are the rules of life and that if you break them your a disgrace, wear your hair however you like pick another color that are an endless amount of colors change your style do a full face of make up or don’t who cares about your body shape your beautiful speak loud or be so quiet that nobody hears you, it dosent matter everyone has a flaw and you don’t have to hide it i say instead of hiding wear it proud and loud like if it were a trophy you wanna showoff to everyone be yourself no one should judge you for being human if their a human too nobody here should be perfect we are all different pieces of puzzles everyone is a different shape but together were a planet yes you might not like some individual pieces but we are all in one planet in one shape that make a beautiful picture
Happy, sadness, jealousy, and fear are all different mirrors the mind sees every day and every second sometimes it stares at multiple mirrors at the same time the mirrors are like different accessories for the brain it wears more than one every day, my mind surrounds itself with one mirror in particular I can’t seem to put a name on it it's the mirror where everything around you disappears and it's just you on cloud 9 in heaven i surround myself with that miror because its the only place i get to disapeer for hours and feel what i need to feel before going back to reality to the real world thats cruel
You are all wrong, this world provides no love no generosity everyone here is an evil pure sin you’ll see when you're at your worst and you think they’ll go easy on you until they show you the cruelty of this world You think this world is all butterflies and sunshine and smiles but wait until they take off their mask and show you fucked up this world is everyone only thinks for themselves everyone is selfish to trust me I've experienced it first-hand that's why I am so claimed the villain of each story why can't you see I'm trying to save you before you all end up like me to listen to me please the world is cruel your all too blinded by the possibility of virtue, actually I hope the darkness takes you all out so you can learn your lesson then only then will you become like me a hero that everyone mistakes as a villain