
March 24 1987 is the day a young 28 year old rookie detective arrived on scene to a sadistic murder. If I can remember, it was late that night 3am if I can recall correctly. I pulled up in my old Chevy caprice, old reliable is what I called her. I know old reliable, it’s pretty funny but I could always rely on that Chevy. It seems I spent more time in that car then I did at home, from sleeping to eating I did it all in old reliable. But that’s besides the point, I finally made it onto the crime scene and man it wasn’t pretty. Yellow police tape surrounded the entire house, I remember seeing a lot of neighbors in awe wondering on what’s going on. There was the little boy who spoke amongst the crowd and ask “is Miss Johnson okay”. Apparently Miss Johnson was 80 year old lady that lived alone. I turned and replied to the boy, I don’t know but we’re doing all we can I promise. I proceeded to cross the yellow tape that surrounded the house and headed inside. One of the on sight officers briefed me on the situation as soon as I stepped in. Apparently one of the neighbors made a call in to dispatch reporting that they had heard loud screaming. First responders arrived on the scene they proceeded to knock on the door but there were no answer. After 30 minutes of knocking officers proceeded to kick in the door. Everything seemed to be intact but there was no one around, one of officers noticed that there was door that led to a basement. As they went down stairs there was a small utility closet in the basement the door was barricaded by this huge self. When further inspected there was a towel sealing the bottom of the door with a small gape opening where a hose was placed. The hose was connected to tank of nitrogen. The two officers removed the self and behind the door laid Miss Johnson unresponsive. Miss Johnson body was all battered and bruised, you could clearly tell that somebody did this to her but who would do this.

I wanted to have a look for myself, so I proceeded to head to the basement. The stairs was very old you could tell because almost every stair had a creaking noise to it. The basement didn’t have very good lighting it was just this single dim light bulb that hung in the middle of the basement. So the basement looked kinda scary, it was cluttered with all of this old portraits and furniture. I assumed it was just stuff she had acquired over the years but man was those picture freaky. Felt like the eyes was watching me everywhere I was going it gave me the chills. I continued to walk to the utility closet, it was basically in the corner of the basement and there I could see Miss Johnson’s body she was in a all white nightgown. I got closer and there I could see that see had bruises on her neck, legs, and chest. Her eyes was still open and I couldn’t help but stare into the woman eyes. I never seen a dead body up close before other than going to a funeral and that was when I was a child so I don’t remember much. Lost in my thoughts the medical team came to take Miss Johnson’s body to the medical examiner morgue. They put her body in a body bag and proceeded to take her out the basement and heard one of the medics whisper who would do this to her. The one question I definitely needed an answer to.

Paperwork from the autopsy comes back on Miss Johnson. She was beaten badly when a heavy object ranging from a hammer to a metal bat. It seems she had multiple broken bones, it was her left leg and three bones in her rib cage. The autopsy showed she died from exposure of high toxins meaning someone poisoned Miss Johnson. I basically knew that already since we discovered the nitrogen tank in the basement. I can’t but imaged the pain she was feeling three broken ribs trying to breathe air in your lungs but instead high levels nitrogen.

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