Review! Smash Hit Poem!!!

Title: I Don’t Know.

"I Don't Know" is a work of poetic genius. It surpasses the limitations of human expression that confine mere poets. This is a masterpiece of literature that capture the truth of humanity with perception and eloquence.

From the very first line, the reader is captivated by exquisite verse. Every phrase is pure imagery, a vibrant, dark beauty. The poet's clever yet simple use of language transports the reader to another, altogether better place.

Every stanza flows with a rhythmic movement drawn by tides of feeling, changing with the majestic ascent and descent of a silver moon. Metre and tempo are cleverly constructed, each a lingering echo, persisting in the mind after the last line has been read.

The poet's sensitive evocation is both profoundly sorrowful and yet paradoxically uplifting, It explores the complexity of human emotions with a comprehension of the human situation that raises the commonplace to remarkable.

The verse is of the moment and demands in the reader's involvement. Each word is carefully chosen and intellectually engaging. But the poem has also a darker emotional impact. It prompts self-reflection and deep thought, a powerful reminder of our journey through life. It is a reflection of our shared desires and grief.

Ultimately, "I Don't Know" is a profound piece of work. I’m confident that it will be analysed and admired over and over again. It is one of few examples of poetic excellence that guide and inspires those who seek the extraordinary.

From the perspective of this correspondent, “I Don’t Know” is probably the most exceptional piece of work I have ever had the pleasure to review. I am the better for having read it.

The poem is included here by kind permission of the author:

I Don’t Know.

flickering lights of night's

shadows dance

it's easy to get lost in the underworld

in whispers and tears.

city hums its lullaby

streets of souls linger

under a broken sky.

alleys echo ghosts

footstep rhythms

descending heartbeats

down tunnels of time.

It's easy to get lost in the underworld

it’s an abyss

where doom and decay

mingle in twilight.

or is the underworld a myth

a story spun

still we wander

our eyes wide shut.

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