You slide the bag across the table, the hooded figure opposite you peers inside. "Where the hell did you find this?!"

Continue this dialogue.

Night Gone Wrong

It is a dark no moon night. I walked into a seedy bar that I would normally never go into. The door is heavy almost to heavy for me to pull open. I immediately get smacked in the face of stail smoke filled air. The air is so heavy with smoke that I can not help, but cough. I cough so much that I am double over in the doorway. I finally catch my breathe and start to walk into the bar. The door slams shut. The light is so dim that it takes a second for my eyes to adjust. I have brought the purse I found on the back bumper of my truck when I lefft work.

I had never saw this purse or new where it came from. I put it in the truck and drove to the neaarest store parking lot, just in case some one was following me. Now a days you can not trust anyone or be to careful. The bag is a small blue glitter purse. I did look inside to find a small wallet, keys, chapstick, and a cellphone. After having the purse for aabout 15 minutes the phne starts to ring. The first time I did not answer the third time it rang I did answer the phone.

“Hello” i causicously answer.

“Who the hell is this?” The othe voice questions.

“Who is this?” I ask.

“Just bring the bag to me at north bar,NOW!” The voie demands.

I am looking for the owner of the bag now that my eyes have adjusted to the dim light. I hope I am looking for the girl on the id in the purse. She is a blonde young girl that looks like she goes out to raves every weekend. I look aroudn the north bar aand finally find her in the far back corner. I walk over and sit down across the table from her. I place the blue glitter purse on the table. I pause a second then slowly slide it across the table to the other lady. She is wearing a oversized sweatershirt with the hood covering her head. She looks in the purse. Everything was still there the way I found it.

“Where did you find this?” She asks.

“ I came out of work and it was on the back bumper of my truck.” I tell her.

She looks happy to have it back. I am glad to give it back. I am still flooded with questions to why I ended up with it. I am just not sure how to bring up all the questions. Why is she wearing such a larage swetshirt also. She is barely a size 8 in a 3xl sweatshirt. I wait for her to speak.

“Where the hell is my big wallet?” She questoned.

“What?”i respond.

“Yeah my big wallet is missing.” She says.

“ It is exactly how I foudn it.” I defend.

She is constantly looking toward t he door and if she is worried about someone. She finally pulls the hood down and I see her face it bursied up. She explains that She was beat up last night and lost everything. She asked if I knew who had her purse. She was bea and raped all last night. She is worried they were coming back for her.

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