Submitted by Freddie
Life Without You
Write a poem or short story about what life would be like without the person you care about the most.
The Final Goodbye
To all my closest friends and followers thank you for supporting me with all the fun memories and laughter. - Stormbound dreams
Deep in the forest the sun hung low the tempest wolves were as chipper as ever
Stormbound sat on her ledge with a distant gaze a sleek brown wolf with crisscross scars trotted over and sat down “something bothering you?” Said cannibal
Storm looked at her friend and said “ I have to go- but I don’t want to leave them” she looked back at her pack
Fluffy was racing pidge a smaller wolf and shadow queen was trying to torment knifes edge who kept teasing her.
“I have to say goodby Bentley- it’s gonna hurt and it’s for real this time I don’t want to lose my family” Storm said as they walked back “ take care of fluffy for me? She’s gonna need a supportive friend when I’m gone” Sorm watched crimson fight with demon reaper playfully storm trotted over to fluffy and said let’s go on one last run
As the two wolves tore through the forest over logs and trees across creeks and leaves
The breee whistled past their ears and ruffled their furs finally storm slowed her pass then sat down and looked at fluffy and said “ your my best friend- your all I could ask for your strong and brave with a big. Heart and a bright future your gonna do great things- and I hope you’ll never forget how loved and valued you are” “ your a good friend fluffy don’t ever lose your quirkiness and loyalty I will truly miss you” Storm stood on her hind legs and awkarwdlg hugged her then said “ keep our friends together when I’m gone and always howl at a full moon and know I’m with you- always” and with that storm ran into the forest leaving her pack behind but in good hands Storm had tears in her eyes her heart was heavy for she’d never see them again.
This is my final writing for tomorrow I get a new phone and this app will be no more
To all my friends I love you and I’m proud of you keep up the good fight 🫶🏻⚔️- Stormbound Dreams out for the last time 💙