Match Maker

Each year, at our school, for Valentine’s Day… they’d make a matchmaker test, and you’d find your “lover.” Some ended up together, others broke up the next day. But the whole point was different challenges, an escape room, painting, laser tag, to see if you were compatible.

I wanted to know who, and what it’d be.

I took laps around my room, waiting for the email.

I heard a ding, and ran towards my laptop.

“Hello, Emma. You’re application has been approved, and we have partenered you with Jason Elson, you had similar answers, and we believe you both are best fit.”

Jason? Like the bad boy Jason? The one who broke 5 girls hearts last year? No way! There has got to be a mistake! I didn’t want to judge him, but everything I’d heard about him, proved otherwise?

“Hello!” I got an email from Jason.

Mind as well try. “Hello,” I responded back.

“So you’re supposed to be my partner, which one was your favorite question to answer?”

“Hmm…..” I typed out… I can’t think!

I erased it.

“Definitely ‘What’s your favorite fruit,’ that is like the most basic question ever.”

“Hey! Don’t knock that question until you try it! What is your favorite? I bet you like strawberries?”

I smiled, I liked his humor.

“Surprisingly… yes. You’re right, but my favorites are raspberries.”

“Oh okay, so you’re very adventurous, but you also like to stay in your comfort zone.”

“…..” I typed.

“I knew it! I’m right aren’t I?”

“How did you even know that?”


“You googled it, DIDN’T YOU!”


I started bursting out laughing. He seemed easy to get along with, could the people be wrong?

“So, what’s your favorite fruit? Let me guess, it’s a dragonfruit?”

“Actually yes, I like dragonfruit with my chocolate.”

“Wait actually?”


I couldn’t help but laugh again.

“It’s actually blueberries, basic I know. But especially when they’re in season.”

“Oh! Wow! That’s not a normal favorite…”

“Don’t be all judgy now! We all know you like them too!”

“HAHA! You may be right…..? You may not get to know… not yet!”

“Okay, so first… to get to know my answer…. You have to answer one of my questions!”

“And your question is?”

“Have you ever dated anyone?”

“Getting to the point are we?! And to answer your question, I actually haven’t.”

“You sure? You’re 50 girlfriends wouldn’t agree with you. Rumor is you’re still married to one of your preschool girlfriends.”

“Well, the rumor is wrong! A lot of people faked having a relationship with me because of my dad.”

“Your dad?”

“Anyway, do you like blueberries?”

“I do, especially in smoothies.” I wanted to priv, I needed to know what he meant. But he didn’t answer that question for a reason.

“Okay, so I was right. My turn to ask a question, have _you_ dated anyone?”

“Getting right to the point are we?” I mocked him, then added, “No I haven’t either.”

“Rumor has it, that you had one boyfriend, Timmy, from preschool. The one who obviously liked you, he wouldn’t leave you alone. Even carried your books for you!”

I laughed, “Poor Timmy, he thought we were dating! I didn’t even know! I was just letting him, cause I thought maybe he was asked to by a teacher or something?”

“Yeah no. Although I remember him putting a lizard in your backpack.”

“You remember that? I was furious! I didn’t even know you were in that class.”

“Well, he wanted payback for you’re ‘dating scheme’ or so he thought… But yeah I was. Maybe you were just to busy, making googily eyes at Wyatt.”

“Do not bring him up! I’m not proud of that. He was actually really rude! I once asked if he could share sharpies or whatever, but he just stared at me, then walked back to his station.

I still can’t believe you remembered!”

“I’m a man of mystery! Anything else you’d like to ask? It’s your turn.”

“Hm, if you could go anywhere in the world… where?”

“Japan! I’ve always wanted to go, since I was a little boy.”

“Anything particular about it?”

“The culture, the one foods, the excitement? I’ve always wanted to get out under my dads wing, you know?”

“I’m sorry about that. And yea, actually I do. You probably remember singing Nancy? _My sister._”

“She was _your_ sister?! AHAH!”

“Yeah, she thought she could run the world with her voice. She is great, but not that great. Everyone always compared us, said ‘she was better.’ Everyone hated me because I ‘copied her.’”

“Seems like we have a lot in common. Sorry about that too, _ouch_.”

“Yeah, I really am sorry about your dad. I don’t know exactly how, and I know that’s your business, but I get it.”

“Thanks. But yeah, I’m sorry about you too. He wants me to go into finances, but I’ve always wanted to explore the world, deep dive into the universe of possibilities.”

“Want to make a deal?” I wrote.

“What is it?”

“If you never do by 20, let’s do it together. I’d love to as well, I used to explore with my family. Before my sister died.”

“Deal. Your on, too bad time couldn’t come faster.”

I felt my heart skip. He could be obviously faking this, but something about it felt _so_ genuine.

“I should probably go to bed, but it’s been nice. See you tomorrow for our first challenge.”

“Don’t go, I’m enjoying talking to you.”

My heart started beating faster again. Don’t fall into his games, _Emma_ _your better than this. _

“Ok, your turn to answer a question.”

We talked for a while, then I went to sleep, an obvious crook nawing in my neck.

( Do we want a part 2?? )

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