Describe your dream candy shop.
This doesn’t have to be written from the perspective of a child, but it may be fun to use the language of wonderment and glee typical of astonished children.
Describe your dream candy shop.
This doesn’t have to be written from the perspective of a child, but it may be fun to use the language of wonderment and glee typical of astonished children.
Wow, that was not what I was expecting Haha. The build-up to the big reveal was really good, and looking over it again, I see some well-done foreshadowing to it.
I think your beginning and end are both good, although the latter could’ve been shorter. I think the ending would’ve been stronger it had stopped several sentences early, right after the big reveal of what this candy shop really is.
Your pace is also pretty good. However, I think that you could make it better by shortening some sentences or even removing whole paragraphs, like the one about the narrator hawking at the eye candy, as that one is telling the reader what we already figured out. I think that, “A loud sigh of exuberant satisfaction escaped my mouth,” could be a lot less wordy. Same thing with, “[…]chocolates erupted a gooey discharge in my mouth, it bought about a rapturous feeling of content,” although I get why some of the specific words are in there (again, good foreshadowing and establishing mood).
The structure is super strong. The build-up to the narrator going for the first time was really effective, as I also wondered what could be so special about this candy shop. You also didn’t give too many hints beforehand. I liked the part where other people he knew (all guys) talked about their experience there, and I only noticed afterward that none of them were children, which is what one would expect to love a place like this. Again, I do think the ending could’ve been a bit shorter, along with some specific sentences, and I think that would’ve helped with the structure.
Great job!!! Followed, and keep writing :)