Left Me

To the one, 33 hours away.

It started off just me..

Then you came along.

Maybe we aren’t on speaking terms anymore.

Maybe we won’t ever be on speaking terms again all I wish

Is to ask why.

Why stop talking to me?

I wanted to show you how much you made my days better.

But you cut me off.

And I want to ask you why.

But I have my own problems.

And can’t reach you directly.

I wish for you to hear this plead.

To see my efforts.

Because I’m not ready to be left in the dark just yet.

So all that I ask of you is to give me a reason why we’re better off like this.

Where I’m constantly wanting to know if I did something wrong.

Just tell me what I don’t understand.

You left me in what seems like the dark.

Maybe it was by accident.

But it really does feel like you left me in the dark…

When it was all becoming real.

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