Where Am I?

My eyes fluttered open. A ceiling with cracks was my first sight. I sat up slowly, hearing a metal creak. This isn’t my bed. I adjusted my vision, regaining my consciousness, soon noticing that I was in a medical bed. Where am I?…I should leave…I **need** to leave. I got out of the bed, holding onto the caregiver siderail of the bed for support. I crept slowly out of the room to a long hallway filled with papers and shattered glass that appeared to once be beakers and other science tools. As I walked through the long corridor, my pulse increased. The only thing I remembered was where I was before, a club. My friends had invited me to a club and I usually don’t go with them but they had forced me into it this one time. Long story short, a man had offered a drink to me and I had taken it. Stupid of me, I know. But I thought the guy was genuinely being nice judging from his demeanor, **and** it was my first time at a club! The only thing I remember him wearing was a bright red tie. Damn my hazy memory. Though, I don’t need to worry about that now. I just had one thing to focus on now, getting out of here. Problem is, this place is huge. Everytime I lifted my feet off the ground and put the other, the cold, sticky floor made me shiver each time I took my steps. I soon started to approach the papers that seemed to be stuck on the ground.

The only words I could read were, “ENTRY NO. 1”

The rest was alike to doctor’s handwriting. Every other paper had the same thing except the number increased by each paper. I’m guessing this anonymous person is a scientist. The papers stopped at “ENTRY NO. 8”. The handwriting had improved since the first so it was readable.

It read, “Experiment Failed.”

Which oddly, were the only words. You would think there would be more description judging from the point of view that this person could possibly be a scientist. I suddenly felt a warm breath against my neck. A few seconds later, pain spread throughout my body from my neck. A needle had been stabbed into my neck. Whatever was in this needle had managed to make me collaspe to the floor immediately. He wore a bright red tie, just like the man at the club. Just before falling unconscious, I heard a man’s deep voice speak..

_“Shouldn’t have tried to escape me, darling~”_

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