Your main character wakes up in an unknown place, tied up and gagged. Unfortunately, her kidnapper doesn't know she's highly trained, in control, and unafraid.

Introduce a powerful female lead who handles her misfortune like a badass.

Courtney San Fransisco

She opened her eyes and looked at the ropes grasping her wrist.

“freaking finally!” She struggled to say due to being gagged. Suddenly a large metal foor opens from the other side of what seems to be a small warehouse.

“Velcome.... Courtney San Fransisco.” the large man in a black trench coat with a scar covered by eyepatches on both eyes.

“Wow Barbra this is your worst plan yet, no one can stop me Courtney San Fransisco .”

“Bleh you fool how are you supposed to escape you are all tied down.” Barbra the man said.

“Because I’m a magician” she said as if she was gagged because she was but she can still talk fine.

“Oh right then prove it.” Barbra shouted all annoyed like.

A snare drum roll began as a curtain fell over Courtney from no where. There was a snare hit and the curtains pulled back and Courtneys hands and teeth were free. “haha Idiot told you”.

“But thes es emposseble” Barbra said. Just then courtney began chanting in backwards Latin her eyes turned red and Barbra and her restraints became ash and flew away.


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