“I have never been more excited to visit a post office.”
Write a short story including this line. Are they being sarcastic, or genuine?
I have never been more excited to visit a post office.
What visits were usually bland and in sweatpants, now make me have butterflies in my stomach and trying to find outfits that match my 'oh so fun' personality.
She works Tuesdays, and usually has her hair up in a ponytail.
Ever since that Friday I saw her, I was hooked. I have never posted more on eBay to have an excuse to go and ship things. We get along great, she’s the cutest person. Today is the day I ask her on a date.
I drive my old beaten down Honda to the post office and find a parking spot that’s facing the front doors. l pop down my mirror and fix my hair before hopping out with my newly wrapped package in hand. I can see her in the back. The other man at the counter motions for me to step forward since the place is empty.
"Oh, um, I'm just waiting for her." l lightly point to the girl in the back.
The man signs and then calls out " Sam, counter." So her name is Sam.
She walks up to the register, hair in a high ponytail and smile and says “you sure have a lot of mail this week!”
“Yeah, running a small business.” I hand her the box, excited to be talking to her again.
“Oh cool! What kind?” She starts to input something in the computer.
“Just flipping guitar parts.” She looks over at me excited and I feel myself smile.
“I wish I could play guitar, my boyfriend is trying to teach me.” Her, her what?
She continued to talk about guitars but I mentally checked out feeling like an idiot.
I told her the address I was shipping the package to and left promptly, trying to smile while saying “have a nice day.”
As I got in my car I started looking up other post offices in the area.
I have never been more ready to leave a post office.
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