Submitted by Margaret Sok

“You’ve come back, but I no longer need you.”

Write a poem or short story including this line.


You were there but never present,

I tried to speak but you never heard.

No, nothing was ever horribly unpleasant,

But my God did you make me feel like an outcast nerd.

I came to you & you laughed in my face,

From young I learned to cry on my own.

Holding myself in a lonely embrace;

Tears a flowing, I was longing for home.

I swam with the sharks, you left me surrounded by,

I survived the monsters you said were friends.

You don’t deserve to know, how I didn’t die;

You absolute pair of bellends.

I have no doubt, I’ll be home one day,

I’m yet to know where or with who.

But if you dare come to me, I shall say:

“You’ve come back, but I no longer need you.”

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