In a story of only 300 words, write a scene where your protagonist must confront someone they've been upset with for a while.

How can you maximise the impact of this scene in such a short space?


I didn’t ask to be born,the pain in me is present today,empty,hollow,crippled over,dirt.

Explode is something I never do,implode alone,crying out to you but I don’t want you to hear,muffled me.

Generational trauma,life on a knifes edge. I need safety,something you could never give.

I want to talk but I’m not able to be heard,alone always

When you were young your parents broke you

When I was in need I got slapped down by your generational pain. Patterns.


Broken little me inside crying with shallow breath

Talk. To who?

Listen,all I ever do.

How not to exist? I don’t know, I have to go out,be,seen.

She’s fine.

People can see I’m all good


Come home to me,you.

Sad girl

Sorry girl

Not alive on the inside girl,smiles on the outside girl.


Sleep. Day. Pretend. Again

I was terrified yesterday,what you did really scared me.

I’m flat today,alive and just breathing,enough to do.

I told you I was in a sympathetic nervous state

Not heard


Deaf to anything I ever needed

Knifes edge


Another day

Happy to see me

I’m not heard,no point trying to talk to you


Misinterpret me.


I will keep




I confront myself in the mirror

A photo I didn’t want to be in


Heart. Heavy. Breath

Fog on the glass

My breath says I’m still alive but I cannot see myself in the fog.

How long will healing take this time

Put myself back together again

Life was not meant to feel like this

I thought I would have had a chance but instead stupid dance

A chance is all I need

Love me

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