Submitted by Amy Blu

Never trust a survivor until you know what they did to survive.

Write a story that starts with this sentence. Think about how you could be creative with the genre!

Gut wrenching lies, from me

"Never trust a survivor unless you know what they did to survive." reading the quote my heart jolts. I remember my friends and their horrified faces. My throat tightens. It had been so close. I had done so much yet it was never enough. My shoulders sag and I think about just how true that quote is. I am the one you should be wary of. I lied and cheated and wanted to kill. I chose myself over my family. I did it to survive but it is still a part of me. I wouldn't trust myself and no one else should either. Yet, I don't tell a soul. I walk like I don't want to break the bones of... anyone... just anyone. I just want to hurt something, to make them pay, for everything. Years. Its been years. Friends come and go. The new ones don't know what I've done, where I've been and they care about me. I don't want that to break... I don't want that... But, its there: the lie, creeping up on them until they know the truth. I see fresh faces in my minds eye: betrayed, distrustful, scared, desperate, their whole world turned upside down. "Never trust a survivor until you know what they did to survive." Or maybe, just don't trust anyone.
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