I Have To Leave You

Deep sadness is in me. It wakes me up in the morning, and puts me to bed at night. I had to leave the person I loved. The person that I got the best feelings every time I was around. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever get through this sadness that I face on a daily. I always remember what my mother always tells me. Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. I am still living to see if that’s true or not. I wake up sadness washes over me from deep within my soul. Everyday is just the same old boring routine without you here. It’s a never ending cycle of purposelessness. I have to admit I was to attached to you I did not care about your happiness, only the attention you gave me. I daydream about what we could have been, what we could have seen together. Maybe we could of been married, maybe had kids. Go on trips to epic places we never want to leave. Sit down and talk for hours on end. So mesmerized by the mere presence of each other. To bad I made the mistakes I did. And I will forever be sorry.

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