Write a diary entry from the villain of a story.

Wherever the villain comes from, be they cliché or misunderstood, give your reader an insight into their life.

Your Queen.

Dear Diary,

Its Elise. Once again. Its been three days since Allens been home, three days since everyone who grew up knowing id be the next ruler died to my hands. I cannot describe the guilt i feel. I cannot leave Allen alone, hes not stable. Im not stable. God forbid he leaves me first.. Hes the last thing i have. And he was gone for seven years. Maybe my parents deserved death from the now dead assasin. I still feel coverd in blood yet im not! Poor Alice the second one that was knocked down. The girl who raised me! She didnt deserve that! Yet now people cower towards me. How wonderful.

Sincerely the now Queen, Elise.

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