by Sans @

Write a story from the perspective of someone in this image (perhaps we cannot see them, but they're there).
The Ice Wall
We have been isolated from the outside world for sometime now, reaching our four year anniversary of pure isolation. Well I guess it isn’t purely isolation since there are thirteen of us. Initially there were sixteen of us but Jack and Henry got stuck in an avalanche of snow, brining their ultimate fear of being barried alive to reality. And Bach was taken by the vicious Alpha bear, rest in peace their souls. We follow a daily routine of exploration, testing and physical activity. Each fleeting day that passes we build more and more tolerance to the arctic conditions, training and discipling our bodies. Today on our usual morning exploration we decided to venture out a bit farther, taking a more icy route that we typically avoided due to its dangerous conditions. When I heard Berlin calling out to us to get our attention. Berlin is the most athletic out of the group, which is why he was a quarter mile ahead of us. He takes a daily cold plunge in the nearby lake in order to train his body to deal with the freezing conditions here. We were sent here four years ago by FASA to study these lands and to hopefully discover new species. As we all began running towards Berlin we all halted in our tracks, all of our eyes widened. For a moment there all we heard was the singing from the harsh winds tickling our ears. My eyes first attracted towards the massive steel, disc-like aircraft. It was evidently broken and covered in snow. I was about to walk up to it when my eyes were suddenly pulled to the opposite side of the aircraft. It was a massive ice wall, completely barricading us in. The ship must have not seen the wall, probably traveling at insane speeds. As my boots sink into the snow, hearing nothing but the crunch underneath my feet. I became face to face with the wall. It’s massive build had my head completely tilted back to stare up at its enormous stature. I reached my hand out to feel its icy wetness on my fingertips, when suddenly the wall shook. It wasn’t a physical shake, more like an illusion from the static that reverberated from it. I’m assuming some type of hologram. I then open my palm fully and wafted my hand over it again. Only for it to produce the same result. In this moment I knew that this was why we were here. This was why they sent us down here. For a quick moment I loathed myself for being quoted on quote “lazy” and not venturing out sooner.