
I remember a time

When the wind blew through my hair

And the sun smiled down on me

I know that I can never go back

To laughter

Ice cream


Never go back

To that curly haired girl

With the cheeky smile

But I remember her

I remember her laugh

And babble

I remember her

I know that I can never take back

Slammed doors

Suppressed sobs

Cuts on my wrist

Never take back

The hurt I’ve seen

But I remember before

Before I watched my future fade

Made up husband replaced with wife

And the resentment I had for that

I remember her

I remember her future

Husband and kids

A smile fixed on my face

Autumn leaves drift in Victorian streets

And there’s our house

The one he grew up in

And I leaned over and kissed his lips

And it felt so good

To have such clear thoughts

Haven’t felt that for a while

But I remember it

I can feel us colliding

Remembering it all

Her hopes and fears

Her tears and laughter

I remember it all

But then I see mine

Blood and screams

Spinning out of control

And much as I’d like to go back

To her

She was that sweet ice cream

Melting in the sun

Innocence taken

By the sunshine of life

And the rain

Oh I remember her


She’s not here anymore

I am

But I am not just regrets

I am pieces of paper

With poetry littering the margins

A flag blowing in the wind

Showing my love

Music with a bobbing head

The ghost of a smile

Tracing my face

Her ghost

Oh I remember those as well

All those things

I am and I’ve lost

Oh I remember it

I’ve hated

I’ve loved

But I’m coming out of my memories

Out of the closet

Out of the shadow of shame

I remember

But one day I’ll forget

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