Your character is experiencing a moment of realisation surrounding their identity and their place in the world. Write a poem about how they feel in this moment.

Plain Sight.

_And then it clicked.._

The puzzle makes sense now,

It’s solving itself in front of me,

I should have known,

How did I not?

It was right in my face,

Yet my eyes blurred it out,

Curse my sight for deceiving me,

Why would it do such a thing?

Though, it explains it all,

My interests in the far past,

How I thought it was all ordinary, okay,

Am I an idiot?

I always swatted those thought away;

It was a pesky fly that I believed,

Was only there to lie and drive me insane,

But the bug was a message in plain sight, huh?

Years went by,

And I remained oblivious,

The truth covering itself under its veil,

It didn’t hide that well, did it?

It’s a fruit salad of emotions I feel,

And apparently, I’m made of fruit,

Intrigue, anxiety, acceptance,

How will everyone else react?

These thoughts will be frowned upon,

They seem threatened by it,

Threatened by the thoughts of differing love,

Will they despise me for that reason?

Anyway- I can’t believe I haven’t realized,

These feelings have built up for ages,

And when I stared at her,

I could clearly see it all..

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