Not A Monster

NOTE: Not today’s prompt but one from a while back.

I know I wasn’t supposed to see the unsent text. I know I was only supposed to text her mom for her while she was making dinner. I had accidentally tapped on my contact instead. The text I saw…it shattered my heart.

_Hey. I know what you are. You don’t have to hide from me anymore. I…don’t know how to say this, but I don’t know if I’m comfortable dating a . The power of immense pain at one touch? That’s a lot for me to shoulder too. I’m sorry. I don’t want to break up but I don’t want to fear you either._

My hands shook. _She knew_. How could she know? I looked up at her, her body angled away from mine. Maybe that’s why she had been flinching at every move I made to touch her.

“A what?” I mumbled, noticing the unfinished sentence.

She turned, and I showed the text to her. She dropped the spoon she was holding and took a step back. Her face was pure white.

“I—I had thought I deleted that! It—“

“A what, Amara?” My voice raised.

Her eyes widened as she noticed I was walking towards her. She grabbed a leftover paper and held it in front of her.

“Please d-don’t come closer! I’m not going to hurt you. It wasn’t…wasn’t the word you are thinking. I didn’t want to insult you by saying the wrong one!”

I paused in front of her.

“You didn’t research anything. You do realize,” I grabbed her arm, continuing, “I can’t hurt someone I don’t hate.”

Her brown eyes were staring at my hand on her wrist, her entire body stone.

“But what if one day you do?” Her voice was quiet, so quiet I could barely hear.

“I would never,” I pulled her into a hug, my heart still racing. “Thank you for at least telling me your fears in a healthy manner, rather than just leaving.”

I felt her nod, and I kissed the top of her head.

“Let’s continue the pasta, okay?” She asked, breaking out of my embrace but still standing very, very near.

I smiled, and went back over to the stove.

_Ever since that day, she would always make sure that she was within arms reach whenever we had arguments. She wanted to make it known that she wasn’t scared, and I made sure to make it clear I wasn’t going to hurt her. _


_Healthy relationships can even be made from a person who has the power to kill at one tiny touch. How come even some regular people can’t seem to grasp the lack of toxicity?_

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