Write a story including a character who is determined to avoid discovering their soulmate.

Soulmate theories are a popular writing trope, and with this prompt, they are real.

Something of an expert

"You know," Masahiko twirled a length of ribbon idly around his finger, "there are other ways."

Selander may have been reptilian in form but even he felt the temperature in the room rise when Masahiko spoke.

"Other ... ways?" he managed to say. "What other ways?"

"Well," Masahiko steepled his fingers, "at the risk of sounding lawless, I would suggest good old fashioned blackmail. You know, catch them in a compromising position."

"I see," Selander said evenly, "and how do you suggest we do that?"

Here Masahiko's face split into a wide grin. "We compromise them, of course."

"I ... I'm not sure I follow," Selander choked out. "Compromise how?"

"Oh, come on," Masahiko knocked their shoulders together, "I think you know what I'm saying."

Selander frowned. "Are you suggesting we attack them? Compromising their internal organs, yes?"

Masahiko's face fell. "What?" He shuddered. "No! That's not what I was saying at all. I meant we should seduce them."

If Selander had been uncomfortable before then now he was practically unmoored. He swallowed thickly.

"I'm afraid that lies ... outside my area of expertise."

"Don't worry," Masahiko's smile was back, "I am something of an expert."

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