Write a short story about a person who always trusts their daily horoscope.

How does this influence them, or help them make decisions?


Day 21; “you maybe experiencing some changes within your career path, ones that open the door to more financial freedom. Do not let the fear of change hold you back. As one door closes, another may open..”

21 days of daily horoscope reads and it’s safe to say I’ve become devoted. Although, today’s read has left me feeling optimistic about the future; I’ve been dwelling on each message forgetting that my path is far from controlled. How is it that upon waking my first cause of action is insight into where my days are heading above gratitude? Had I released the fear of the unknown allowing myself to exist without mincing ones words, peace of mind would come undeniably yet here I am..

Deliberating in my mind. What changes are yet to come? How can I get there? When will I get there? These are questions that could do more damage than good when over analyzed in your mind. Overthinking is a killer. Indulging too much has only nourished my constant worry and I’ve realized horoscopes are doing more harm than good. I’ve always been one with faith, always been held onto hope and slowly it’s diminishing. Slowly my days are controlled by a short excerpt when it should be led by God.

I’ve decided to let go, and leave it all to the universe. Learning that what you think creates your reality only urges me to detox my mind and create a safe space where my thoughts are analyzed and not judged allowing me to not dwell on the negative and focus more on the positive, and rather than worry about what’s next I will dedicate my days to showering my mind with what I know will come and be at peace.

I am great, I am blessed, I am creating the life I want.

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