Write a scene or story that takes place after a natural disaster.

You could focus on the direct effects, or the longer term aftermath.

Will Our Love Forever Last?

If the world was ending,

Would you still be by my side?

If the sky was falling,

Would you be my place to hide?

If the earth exploded,

Would you still be mine?

If the gun was loaded,

Would you cross the line

To save me?

Or would you be the one

To end my life?

If the sun burnt out?

Would you provide me with light?

If the dead took scout,

Would you and I both fight?

If the sea took over,

Would our love survive?

Or would it drown like the countless others?

If aliens payed us a visit,

Would we be together to ask them why?

If I died,

Would you come and say goodbye?

Or would you instead wave hello?

Because you couldn’t stand a life without mine.

So you came with me in the afterglow.

What I really want to say,

Is will our love forever last,

To this day?

Even if death do us apart?

I know deep inside

That it won’t.

Since you have already left

But you will forever rest in my heart.

We want our minds to trick us.

We crave the safety of illusions.

We believe the lies they tell us.

Since it’s better than the truth’s confusions.

It’s better than eternal heartbreak

So once again I will always ask,

Will our love forever last?

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