Unfamiliarr Place

It was Jan 8th and my family was moving to another city, so we moved in to a questionable place called Detroit.later after we was done packing it was 9:54pm so we got some rest, later that night I woke up to a disturbing noise, I thought it was nothing so I went back to sleep, I soon later woke up again to a startling screeching noise, it freaked me out so I went to tell my parents about it. I was in there room and woke up my father, and I told him about the screeching noise and he said it was a raccoon, but I knew it wasn't a raccoon, sounded like something I've never heard before. So I whent back to bed, within a short time I woke up once more to a uncanny yelling, this time I knew it wasn't a animal, it wasn't even human. So I then went to my parents room again, keep in mind it's a two story house and my parents live down stairs. I was on my way to my parents room and the door busted open. There was nothing there I could see with my bare eyes and I started to tremble. I then went back to my room, finally decided to go check on my parents, I made it down stairs and on my way I looked at my dad in the hall way with his leg gone and his face missing. I fell to the ground in shock. Then saw my mom getting ripped to pieces what looked like nothing, this creature was invisible I then ran out side and called the police, for what seemed like 25 minutes the police arrived. I explained what happened and they called me nuts but then they walked in and called in the military. Completely shocked the walked out and evacuated everybody within a mile out the city. I never understood what happened in that incident, 4 years later I am still traumatised. I always wonder if that’ll happen to me, but I pray to God that won’t.

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