Write a story about a character writing a story.

Perhaps they're an aspiring author, maybe they're stuck for ideas. Or maybe this character represents yourself and the struggles and joys you meet when trying to write your own work.

I'm A Writer.

I'm going to write a book. It will be the best book. I have a ton of original and hilarious ideas. It'll definitely be a NYT bestseller. I can't wait to get started. I should make some coffee first. And I'll def need something to eat so I don't get hungry and distracted. Not sure how I'm going to be able to do anything if I know the sink is full of dishes. That reminds me, we are out of dish soap - better run to the store. I'll get some good writing snacks while I'm there. I've got my coffee, snacks...oh and I'll need some water in case I'm thirsty and jittery from coffee. Ehhh, this lighting could be a little better. I'll just unscrew one of these ceiling fan bulbs for ambiance...perfect. Oh! I'll grab a sweater just in case I get a chill. Okay, all settled in. Here we go... My computer is dead. And the charger is upstairs. Great. Guess it wasn't meant to be. I'll FOR SURE write tomorrow.

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