The Flaring of Her Nose; He Knows

Those eyes, they’re so familiar. I’m sure I’ve seen her somewhere before.

The way she glides her hair past her ear, and the way her nose flares when her smile shows.

I swear I’ve seen this girl before. But I can’t put my finger on it.

“Have we met?” She’s looking at me, a little nervous. Blushing with embarrassment, avoiding eye contact.

“Actually yeah we have now you mention it” she starts to get up but I reach for her hand.

“Where do we know each other from?” She breaks away with a sad look of realisation.

“I’m sorry I don’t want to make this weird” she’s about to leave. The most beautiful woman in the world is about to leave, I can’t let her go. I can’t let her slip away.

As the sun ditches a cloud and shoots its rays through the window touching her face in just the right places I remember where I know her from.

“Hey, it’s not weird. Remember in school when we used to hang out?” She looks back at me with shock in her eyes. Shock and sadness.

“You remember me?” I nod in response.

“I thought you were just as beautiful then as you are now, I guess I just never thought this would be possible between us. It was different back then.” She heads back towards her seat, I pull it out for her and dash to my side of the table.

Before we know it hours go by, I’m so glad my blind date was the girl from our all boys school.

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