'The truth finally came to light.'
Write a poem which ends with this line.
Go Go
I was sitting on my bed this morning
Lookin out the window say rain drizzling
Down when I said I‘m leaving at last
Hope I don’t blast I’m going to go goin
To go out the window I’ll go through
Stormy weather just to meat just to
Meat you in late December and I will
Always remover oh woah woah oh
I can see your rainbow going over my heart
At lighting speed riding my trusty stead
Don’t worry I’ll be there in a hurry I’ll
Go in late in late in late december I’ll
Hold your hand in late December I’ll
Stand with you in late December just
Remember put it on your calendar comin
Out out of the shadows to the widows
Don’t forgot mark it down next to your
Bed don’t forget I’ll stay here don’t ever
Fear stay there I will be there for forever
Never forgetting it’s only January don’t worry
On that day on that special day I’ll drive in on
My jaguar full speed in late December I won’t
Go go in the snow snow until we need to go go
Go go woah go go go go I’m sitting here on my
Bed Wunderdinges Til Winter I’ll be sitting here
No fear don’t lay a tear I’ll be here I’ll come through
The light burst through your door like never before
I‘ll just I’ll just I’ll just come hun never never never
Worry we’re not in a hurry I‘ll be standing at your
Door in late late late late December put it on your calendar
I‘ll be here no fear just remember me don’t ever ever
Ever worry I’ll be in late December