An alien and a human discuss the concept of love.

Think about what love might mean to another species, and how they would discuss it or think about it differently from humans.

A acute meeting

Some would call this an ubduction, some would say otherwise. But to me this was a normal meeting with yet another beautiful creation of the universe. Its eyes beady and black like a pearl. I could see my eyes in its. “What beautiful eyes you have” I smiled gazing into them whilst sat having a picnic. The creature looked puzzled, and so I asked of it what was wrong. “What is love?” It asked their big eyes looking up at me. “Well love is many things it can be exciting, bold, and even sometimes entrapping, and dangerous”. The creature looked at me in awe “have you ever been in love” they asked. My head dropping “no, but I hope to be” I replied my eyebrows rinkling.

Both the human and the alien then looked at the sky in complete silence. The two admired it for its beauty and knowledge for it has been around since the beginning.

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