Noah And Isak Pt 15

Noah tucked his head into Isak’s chest, taking a nice relaxing breath.

“I do wish you had come with us though. You would’ve multiplied the fun.”

Isak smiled at the comment,

“I know what I’m doing, sweetheart. I’ll hang out with you tomorrow while your friends unpack in the morning. We can go to Starbucks if you want,” Isak pulled Noah closer, kissing his head gently. Noah twisted to look up at Isak, “I really want a kiss from you.”

Isak’s lips curled into a grin as he got close enough to Noah’s lips that their breaths seemed to exchange a whisper. Noah was the one who finally connected their lips, the soft tickle of Noah’s breath streaked against Isak. Despite Noah’s friends being over, he kissed Isak like no one was home. Which was just a simple deep kiss. Though, it felt so incredibly nice to kiss him. Noah had missed all these moments with Isak because he was always busy-no they both were. Michael then walked in on facetime with Nick.

“And the- oh sorry to bother you two, but where is the milk?” Michael asked laughing at something Nick said. Isak just pulled Noah to his chest chuckling and said the fridge. “Well, I need to prepare dinner. Wanna help?” Noah wondered. Isak followed him into the kitchen as Michael made cereal.

(A few hours later)

Dinner was ready within two hours. It would’ve been shorter but they needed to double the recipe. Noah went in and woke Mikalea up to get her ready for dinner. She was grumpy when she was woken up, but then she saw an actual meal on the table and got excited. When everyone was seated Isak began to ask questions. “So, how is it back in Chicago? What do you like to do?”

“Well, it’s boring. Plus, I’ve got so many of my exes chasing me again.” Mikaela rolled her eyes.

“Oh. My. Gosh. Michael, do you remember her crazy ex?” Noah shot out.

Michael gasped a laugh, “Oh yea I do!”

“Isak, he was bananas. Like. TERRIBLE! But it was kinda funny.” Noah laughed. Mikaela began to choke on her food from laughing, “Guys, no. Ew no. He was a pickle man.”

“What’s a pickle man?” Isak wondered.

“ A smelly, sour, dude,” Michael answered. “She’s dated plenty of those.”

Michael yelped when Mikalea's hand came into contact with his shoulder.

Dinner ended pretty late since they decided to talk about so many stories. It was about 11 pm that night when they all decided to head to bed. While Noah went into his room, Isak set up the couch to sleep on. Noah walked back in as Isak put his final pillow down. Isak sat and opened his arms letting Noah crawl in like a little puppy. “There is no way I’ll be able to sleep while he snores like a bear.” Noah groaned. Isak breathed a laugh as he pulled Noah closer to his face. “Mm, well we can work it out tomorrow.” Isak kissed him deeply finally getting the sweet taste of love. Noah pulled back, “You don’t have to keep sacrificing your comfort for others. Michael wouldn’t have minded sleeping on the couch.”

“I know he wouldn’t mind. But, I’m also a host, and those are my boyfriends friends. I want them to feel comfortable.”

“I get that, but I don't know why you put everyone before yourself. You put me before you often too.” Noah sat up.

“Because you deserve it, love. Don’t worry, though. You take care of me pretty well.” Isak kissed Noah’s cheek.

“Don’t distract me!” Noah giggled.

“Oh! Is it distracting? Mk…” Isak began to smother him in more kisses down his neck, tickling Noah as he goes. Noah squirms and laughs loudly only to be cut off by Isak’s lips.

“Shh! Your friends are sleeping!” Isak laughed.

“It is not my fault! You were-”

Isak pulled Noah down to his chest pulling the blanket over the two of them.

“Woah! What’re you doing? Warn me next time!” Another giggle escaped Noah’s lips.

Isak hushed him, kissing his head. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”

“Goodnight, baby.” Noah yawned.

End of pt 15

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