'I should have known that meeting them would lead to something like this.'
Write a story that begins or ends with this line. Who does the character meet, and what leads to thinking or saying this?
Glowing Eyes Part 4
I was spending the day with my friends at the mall. It was three days until I would be meeting Draya’s “family” and my friends thought I needed a new “meet the family” outfit. I was as nervous as a person could get; I didn’t even know it was possible for a person to get this nervous without having a panic attack.
“We totally get it Sare Bear meeting the parents is the worst. make a bad first impression and it’s like you are blacklisted for life!” Hallie said
“I don’t think it will be that bad and anyway they aren’t even her family just friends she considers like family”
“That’s even worse!”
“Well, if her parents don’t like you that’s one thing you can get through that, but if the friends and relatives don’t like you then it’s like everyone on their side of the relationship is against you it causes major tension in the relationship and can ultimately cause it to end just ask Tracy.”
Tracy was now sending a death glare at Hallie. “I thought we agreed never to bring up Richie ever again.”
“Girl, get over it, that boy was no prize you were only with him for what? A month you can do better.” Raquel said.
I remembered the Richie phase and it was still a little bit of a sore subject for Tracy, she had fallen head over heels for the dark-haired blue-eyed boy and he seemed to like her but that was where the romance ended. Richie's friends never seemed to like Tracy. Richie came from money and Tracy didn’t and that was something his father did not approve of, and his mother didn’t like that Tracy was a car girl, apparently it wasn’t lady like to be into cars. I don’t care what anybody says if I could pick one person to be stranded with because of car trouble it would be Tracy. Her father owns his own car repair business and Tracy had been in there with him since she could walk, started working on engines and helping to repair cars since she was five. Sure, the only way she helped was by handing him tools but the older she got the more she was able to do to help, by the time she was 10 her dad even started to pay her and by the time she was 15 she could take an entire engine apart and put it back together faster than any other mechanic I know. she just had a knack when it came to cars but there was more to Tracy than cars, she was kind and loyal and funny and smart and not too hard on the eyes either. I had the biggest crush on her freshman year, shame she was straight, but the point was Tracy was a great person. when Richie dumped her, he let go of the diamond in the freaking rough. he found out the very next year at homecoming when Tracy walked in looking like a goddess among mankind.
“Sarah, you listen to me and listen good, if these people Draya introduces you to try to tell you that you are not good enough you give ‘em hell! Tell them that if you and Draya are going to be together then it is up to the two of you and nothing, they can say will keep you apart, I will not stand for a repeat of what happened to me, you fight for Draya, whether it’s a short-term relationship or not if she means something to you then you fight for her.”
“Wow Tracy that was one hell of a pep talk thanks.”
“Ok enough of this talk we came here to get Sare Bear the best “meet the family” outfit and that is what we are going to do or die trying” Kelsey declared.
“Ok way to get over dramatic Kelsey…” said Hallie “…but you are right, let’s get to shopping.”
We went into nearly every clothing store in the mall and ended up purchasing four different outfits, first was a long baby blue floor length dress with long billowing sleeves and left everything to the imagination “I may be a bit of a rebel, but I know a thing or two about making a good first impression” was what Kelsey said.
The second outfit was an off the shoulder white midriff top and a black denim knee length skirt “hey if you got it flaunt it” Raquel said.
The third was a long floor length strapless dress that tied around the neck it was white with sunflowers all over it “innocent yet mature” Tracy said.
The last outfit was a simple spaghetti strap black tank top and distressed blue jean capris.”
“Simple and sexy” Hallie said.
Then we ate lunch at the food court I paid for everybody since they each paid for the outfits, and we were talking and laughing the whole time all in all not a bad day.
That night Draya climbed into my bedroom through the window in that sexy cat woman like way that honestly turned me on a little, I never told Draya this but I think she knew and somehow she made everything she did sexy including climb through my window walk around my bed and toe off her shoes before crawling into bed behind me wrapping her arms around me and pulling me close snuggling herself against me then she was planting soft kisses against the back and side of my neck I sigh in contentedness then Draya spoke “did you have fun with your friends today princess?”
“Yeah, Hallie said some stuff that made me a little nervous I mean more than I already am but then Tracy gave me a pep talk and that calmed me back down but other than that I had fun.”
“That’s good and you don’t have to be nervous Celeste and David are looking forward to meeting you, Celeste barley gets to meet any of my romantic partners and David is usually so busy with his duties as leader he rarely gets to meet anyone so this will be a treat for both of them.”
“Draya considering you are taking about a couple of vampires referring to me as a treat isn’t doing wonders for my nerves.”
“They won’t eat you and anyway they don’t… well let’s just say when they do feed from humans it is mostly voluntary, and they don’t kill them.”
“When you say mostly voluntary you mean they compel them don’t you?”
“Not all the time. there are some humans who know what we are and will willingly let us feed from them, but they are few and far between so sometimes, when necessary, yes they will compel a human to let them feed and when they are finished, they take them somewhere to make sure they get a good meal then they tell them to go home go to sleep and forget the whole thing ever happened.”
“Is that’s what you do?”
“I feed mostly from blood bags I only ever feed from a human when my supply runs low and even then, it’s a last resort, I don’t like messing with people’s minds also I believe in consent and well if you compel them then they can’t really give you consent although I doubt they would do so anyway.”
“Could we talk about something else this topic matter is making me a tiny bit uncomfortable.”
“Sure, what would like to talk about?”
“Anything I would settle for the weather at this point.”
“Well, I heard it was sunny today.”
That made me laugh “Okay maybe not the weather but anything else just so long as it doesn’t involve eating people.”
“Agreed…how about I tell you about when I lived in New Orleans?”
“I was born in New Orleans in 1851 and given the name Lorelei Emily Boudreaux too my very wealthy parents and never wanted for anything except maybe real freedom but otherwise my every whim was tended to and my parents although strict were also very loving we lived on an old plantation the grounds and gardens were beautiful and on nights when there were no parties and it was just me and my parents we would sit on the front porch and listen to the jazz and blues music drifting up from the city and it would mix with the sound of crickets and bull frogs it was my own personal favorite lullaby”
“Sounds like a fairytale.”
“Yes but then Mardi Gras of 1868 happened I still remember the masquerade ball my parents threw I remember the lavish gown they forced me to wear and I remember the suiters they kept introducing me to and how much I hated all of them so stuck up and stuffy and full of themselves and every single one of them perfect in my parents eyes I used to enjoy the masquerade balls my parents threw up until then. I was not naïve I knew what they were doing they were trying to set me up with my future husband and I hated it, not them because it was all they knew their parents did it to them and now they were doing it to me and I hated it, I couldn’t wait to get out of there, it was only a few days later that I went out with Louise, she was sort of my servant and best friend. We snuck out to go see the parade and enjoy the celebrations and well that was the night I was turned. A few weeks later I found Celeste. After I was able to control my hunger, I returned to my parents against Celeste’s advice and better judgment. They were so happy that I came back they had thought me dead. I told them that I had hit my head when I went out on Mardi Gras and lost my memory for a while and that a woman named Celeste had found and helped me and that I was and would like to continue living with her. My parents didn’t approve at first, but I was able to convince them. I started having dinners with them even spending the night in my old room sometimes, for a time I was happy, but I still remember the day they died leaving me everything. I felt so alone, that was when I really started to rebel against Celeste, I mean I was always a bit rebellious, but I was getting tired of her treating me like a child. I was angry and felt misunderstood by the entire world and I felt like I was cursed to a life I didn’t ask for an eternity of never-ending darkness and night.”
“This just took a dark turn feels less Disney and more brothers Grimm.”
“The end is happy because I found a princess and she rescued me and brought the sun back into my world…I found you darling.”
“You make me sound like Xena or something.”
“Or something you are far more beautiful than Lucy Lawless.”
"I don't think so I mean Lucy Lawless is like gorgeous."
"I must disagree because although Lucy Lawless is undeniably beautiful she pales in comparison to you, because you are the most stunning creature in this universe."
"Second most stunning creature."
"I am the second most stunning creature in this universe because you my angel are the first."
“Then it seems we will have to agree to disagree.”
“Afraid so.” I said turning around in her arms so that I was facing her and then pressing a firm kiss to her lips she responds immediately pulling me closer and kissing back I only break the kiss when my lungs began to plead for air.
When I pulled away Draya was smiling at me, I was about to go in for another kiss, but Draya shook her head “As much as I would love to continue kissing you darling it is late, and you should get some sleep."
“Will you wake me before you leave?’
“Of course, I always do darling.” she said before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.
It was still dark out when Draya woke me, I tried to beg her to stay but she smiled and shook her head “You know I can’t do that.” she said before gently kissing my lips “Now go back to sleep darling and dream of me.”
“Even the most vivid dream could never compare to the real thing.”
“Then you will have something to look forward too.” and with that she diapered into the darkness.
I stand in front of my floor length mirror; I was wearing the floor length white with sunflowers dress. my friends and I, had voted on which outfit I should wear earlier, and the decision was unanimous. I decided to go with a makeup that had more natural tones and I was wearing a pair of gold dangling earrings and a gold necklace with a matching star shaped pendent. my nails were still painted red, but the little black stick-on diamonds had since fallen off. On my feet was a pair of white sandals. I was now trying to figure out what to do with my hair, no matter what I do it just didn’t seem to look right. I grumble at myself in the mirror as I pull the yellow scrunchy out of my hair for what must have been the hundredth time, I groan in frustration then hear a chuckle come from my open bedroom door, I turn to see my mom leaning on my door frame with her arms crossed casually “Mom…how long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough…bad hair day?”
“No, it just refuses to look right no matter what I do.”
“Maybe I can help” she says walking into my room and coming to a stop next to my vanity pulling the chair out “Come here and sit down.” she says and I do, she grabs the brush that I always keep on my vanity and begins brushing through my hair “You know I remember the first time I ever met my significant others parents I was a nervous wreck but my mother gave me some advice just relax and be yourself and the rest will work its self out and turn out alright in the end and she was right it was such simple advice but so true and the same goes for you just relax and be yourself.” my mom said then pulled a round gold beret with a heart shaped ruby in the center out of her pocket “And a good luck charm never hurts.” she said
“Is that grandmas hair beret?”
“It’s been passed down from mother to daughter for generations, it was given to your grandmother by her mother and her mother before her and so on and so forth your grandmother gave it to me and now, I am giving it to you” she said pining it in my hair securing it in a half up half down do I stand up with my back facing the mirror. My mother hands me a handheld mirror, I angel it over my shoulder so I can see the back of my head the light glinted of the gold surface of the beret the crimson hart in the center shining bold and bright it looked just right.
“It’s prefect absolutely perfect” I say.
My mom waited for Draya with me on the front porch swing, when Draya pulled up getting out of the car and opening the door for me, my mom gives me a hug “Now mind your Ps and Qs and have a good time baby girl.”
“I will thank you Mom.”
I got in the car and Draya shut my door and made her way around the car getting in herself putting the car into drive and pulling away “You look beautiful tonight darling although you could wear a burlap sack and I would still think you look breathtaking.”
“Your opinion is biased but thank you anyway.”
The longer we drove the more nervous I became. I looked out the window fiddling with my fingers my nerves were justified, firstly I was meeting my girlfriends “family” for the first time and secondly I was going to be in a house full of vampires, thirdly the vampires I was meeting were rather important…Celeste, the vampire who taught and took care of Draya after her sire left her for dead and then there is David, he was sired by Celeste, as a human he had hunted and killed vampires but made the mistake of killing the mate of a powerful vampiress, she had wanted to toucher, feed from and kill him but Celeste did not want to see him dead. He was a good man misguided for certain yes but good, so she suggested turning him, making him the thing he claimed he hated most, it was the only way for her to save his life. At first, he resented her but soon accepted and embraced his new life and for the last 300 years he has been the coven leader and his coven has known nothing but peace ever since he rose to power.
So of course, I was nervous, Draya seemed to since this and placed her cold, hand on top of my hot and sweaty ones stilling them “Don’t be nervous princess everything will be just fine, and Celeste and David will adore you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, darling you are kind, intelligent, funny not to mention beautiful what’s not to like?”
I smile at the praise “Well I am glad you think so highly of me at least.”
Draya smiled too lacing her fingers with mine and held my hand the rest of the way there. I couldn’t help but notice how perfectly they fit together like they were made for each other.
When we arrive at our destination, we pulled up to a big two-story stone house with a wraparound porch and the second story had a large walk out balcony and I could see smoke coming out of two of the five chimneys I counted poking out from the roof.
Draya got out of the car walked around the car and opened the door for me. I got out of the car and after closing the car door Draya clasped my hand in hers and led me up the front steps of the porch and opened the front door. we stepped inside to a small entry way then to the right was a large living room with a fireplace in the center of the far wall of the room, a fire already in the hearth, there was a couch, a love seat and a chair and 1/2 arranged around the fireplace. In the far-right corner of the room there was five recliner chairs in a semi cercle around a flatscreen tv and in the far-left corner were a couple of tall bookshelves and two chairs by a table with two small desk lamps on it.
A woman who had been sitting in the chair and 1/2 stood up and made her way over to us “So is this the Sarah you haven’t been able to stop telling us about?” she said with a strong French accent she was wearing a long red spaghetti strap dress her skin the color of cinnamon and eyes the color of Hershey kisses her onyx hair fell in soft curls across her shoulders.
“Celeste, Sarah, Sarah, Celeste” Draya introduced
“Enchante Sarah” Celeste said.
“Nice to meet you, Draya speaks very highly of you.”
“As she does of you.”
“Celeste where’s David?” Draya asked
“I believe he was checking on the meal.”
“Which is on the table and ready to be served.” said a man who was now making his way towards us he is wearing a black button up shirt, black pants, black leather shoes and a white tie he had light brown hair that was long and tied back in a ponytail like Terry Silver from karate kid 3 and kind hazel eyes “Sarah I presume?”
“Yes, nice to meet you.” I say extending my hand for him to shake he takes my hand but instead to shaking it he places a cold kiss on top of it.
“The pleasure is all mine.” he said with a smile.
“Well, I believe we should all go to the dining room before the food gets cold.” Celeste said.
We went through a door leading to a room with a long table with enough seats for at least 12 people it has a white lace tablecloth with white pillar candles in ornate candle holders the plates where white with gold trim there was white cloth napkins and gleaming silver wear and crystal drink and wine glasses the food was on silver trays with silver covers, I felt like I was walking into a scene from a movie.
Draya pulls a chair out for me, and I sit down David does the same for Celeste before asking me “Sarah would you like anything to drink? We have water, milk, iced tea, and soda.”
“Milk would be just fine, thank you.”
He left the room returning soon after with a pitcher full of milk he fills my glass and sets the pitcher down next to me he was holding in his other hand a decanter filled with a think red liquid that I was sure was not red wine. Draya leans over and whispers “I can ask them not to drink it in front of you if it makes you feel uncomfortable.”
I take a deep breath before replaying “No that’s ok I will just pretend that it’s the candy blood my friends and I used to get at Halloween time.”
David was pouring Celeste and himself a drink then he turned to Draya “Would you like me to pour you some Draya?” she glances at me, and I smiled and gave a nod she smiles back at me “Yes David I would appreciate that thank you.” she said handing her glass to him so he could fill it.
“Well let’s dig in, shall we?” David said and began lifting the lids off the trays revealing pasta meat balls garlic bread and spaghetti sauce.
I filled my plate with lots of pasta and sauce and 6 large meatballs. After taking my first bite I had decided that I had never tasted better spaghetti in my whole life “My complements to the chef this taste wonderful.”
“The credit all goes to Draya and Celeste,” said David.
“Oh, don’t be so modest you prepared the sauce and garlic bread.”
“My sweet Celeste buying two jars of sauce from the supermarket and heating it on the stove doesn’t take a culinary genius nor does putting frozen garlic bread in the oven and turning it on making pasta and meatballs from scratch however…”
“Oh, please pasta is one of the easiest things to make a child could do it” Celeste said.
“Same thing for the meat balls a child could mix some spices in with ground meat and shape it into balls hell I even used an ice cream scoop to make sure they were all relatively the same size,” said Draya.
“Doesn’t matter it tastes great and as long as nobody here has poisoned me everything is perfect.”
“Why would anyone try to poison you” Celeste said sounding a little offended.
“I think she was joking, weren’t you darling?” Draya said.
“Yes, I don’t actually think anyone is going to poison me, I am sorry if I offended you.”
“No, I am sorry forgive me it has been a few years since I have socialized with humans perhaps, I took things too seriously.”
“It’s alright you don’t need to apologize” I assured.
After the dinner David said, “I hope everyone saved room for dessert?”
“I always have room for dessert” I said.
David left the room and returned moments later with a very yummy looking cheesecake “I can’t really take credit for this either I purchased it from the Cheesecake Factory.”
“I hear they are the best.” I said.
“It’s true they make the ambrosia of cheesecake,” said Celeste.
David cut the cake and gave everyone a slice and after my first bite I completely agreed with Celeste it was the ambrosia of cheesecake.
After eating David said he would clear and meet us in the living room.
Draya and I sat in the chair and 1/2 together, mostly so we had an excuse to snuggle close together. Meanwhile Celeste was at the bookshelf taking out what looked like two large leather-bound books before making her way over to us "What have you got there?" Draya asked her.
"Well, you said that Sarah's family looked through photo albums after the meal so I thought I might as well dig these old things out of storage.”
“Oh no” Draya practically moaned.
Celeste smiled “Oh yes, honestly I don’t know why you dislike them so much you were always very photogenic.” she said as she handed me what I now realized was a photo album. I opened it up to reveal a family portrait, a beautiful blonde woman in a light-colored gown sat in a chair holding a tiny baby with a long white dress that covers her feet and a pretty bonnet on her little head a man stood behind the woman’s chair he was tall and had dark hair and a mustache and was wearing a dark suit.
“Your family?” I asked.
“Yeah, that is the illustrious Boudreaux family.”
We continue to look through the photos they all appeared to be very old there were more family portraits, the child in them growing older in each one the dresses were shorter so you could see her leather clad feet the bonnet was gone replaced by a bow in her short blonde locks there were some of the girl alone usually sitting in a chair with a stuffed animal or doll and as she aged she went from sitting to standing the toy replaced by flowers as the girl continues to grow older she stops sitting on her mother's lap in the family portraits instead standing up beside her mother sometimes holding a doll or flowers otherwise her hands are clasped in front of her, her arms down her hair falling in gentle waves “So you’re originally a blonde.” I commented
“Don’t remind me.”
“What? I like blondes.”
“I hate the stereo type that is associated with blondes.”
Then I came across a picture of the girl in a Masquerade costume the dress was white with feathers around the collar and the cuffs of the sleeves she was also wearing a white feathered headband the mask she was wearing seemed to consist of black feathers but what struck me was the large expressive eyes behind the mask that seemed to look straight through you and pierce your soul. Draya’s eyes I would recognize them anywhere.
“The costume was supposed to represent a swan that was my last masquerade ball as a human.”
"The one where your parents kept trying to set you up with a suiter all of which you hated?”
“The very same.”
That was the last picture of the first album at this point David joined us and started a quiet conversation with Celeste but I was too interested in the photo album to pay any attention to what they were saying the second photo album had newer color photos in them they were pictures of Draya in front of monuments like the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty there were pictures of her and Celeste together there were even a few with David in them and many other people I didn’t know then I saw a picture of Draya with a girl she has wavy shoulder length dark brown hair with eyes to match a slightly tan complexion with freckles splashed across her nose and cheeks she has one arm around Draya’s shoulders; Draya had her arm around the girl’s shoulders as well. Draya’s hair was dyed black in the picture. She looks so happy in the picture I don’t know why but I felt a small pang of jealousy at seeing the picture “who is that?” I asked pointing to the girl in the picture.
“Shaylyn” Draya answered but her voice had a strange tone to it that I never heard before and her eyes had a faraway look like her mind was in a different time and place.
“Who is she?” I asked again.
“A hunter; but she wasn’t like others. Draya was quite close to her.” Celeste said.
“I think you would agree Celeste that they were more than close they were in love.” David said.
“David it is not our story to tell perhaps we have said too much already.”
Suddenly the photo album was shut with a snap “Darling it’s getting late I should probably take you home.”
I could tell from her tone not to argue with her “ok I just need to use the bathroom first." I said getting up from the chair.
“It’s down the hall last door on the right.” Celeste informs me.
“I’ll meet you in the car.” Draya says getting up and leaving the room.
I splash some water on my face and look in the mirror; so Draya had been in love, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but she had told me she doesn’t get attached to people, maybe there was an unsaid 'anymore' that was supposed to be on the end of that sentence, and I was very curious about this Shaylyn girl I mean the way Draya described hunters I find it hard to believe she would fall for one but apparently she did and sounds like this Shaylyn had fallen for Draya too; it occurred to me how little I actually knew about Draya but I also knew that I shouldn’t pry, Draya clearly didn’t want to talk about it so despite how curious I was I would have to let it be. Put too much strain on a pressure point and eventually it will break; best not press my luck with this one.
I exit the bathroom and David is having a conversation with Celeste that I couldn’t help but overhear “So what do you think?”
“I think that Draya clearly cares for the girl, but you know how she is ever since the death of Shaylyn.”
“I know but this time seems different I mean I know I have only met two of her other partners not counting Shaylyn one of which was a woman the other a man, but she acted differently around them it’s hard to describe but with Sarah there’s a sort of…of...”
“Je ne sais quoi about her yes I sensed it too I dare say I do believe our Draya is falling for her.”
“You think so?”
“David I am an empath I can feel it Draya will never admit it to herself, but she is falling hard and fast for this girl.”
“But if she is falling for her that makes her a consort, she is our new foster sister.”
I couldn’t stay quiet and hidden anymore and so I revealed myself causing David and Celeste fall silent instantly.
“Consort? Foster sister?” I ask.
“Just terms we use but nothing bad my dear I assure you. When a vampire has a human partner or mate, they are called a consort we consider consorts as part of the coven, and we call them foster sisters or foster brothers depending on gender of course these terms only apply to humans if you were to ever be turned you would be Draya’s mate and our sister is this making sense to you?” David explained to and asked me.
“Yeah, I think I basically get it.”
“Good” he replied.
“You shouldn’t keep Draya waiting you should go.” Celeste said.
“Right well good night to both of you and thank you for the meal.”
“You are welcome, good night, Sarah.” Celeste said.
“Good night.” David said.
I go out to the car and get in, the drive back to my house was made in silence. Draya turned to me when we pulled up to my house “I hope you enjoyed yourself tonight?”
“I did I really like Celeste and David I hope I can spend some more time with them, maybe get to know them better.”
“I’m sure they will be delighted to hear it.”
“I should probably go inside knowing my mom she is probably watching out the window waiting to bombard me with questions.”
“Very well I will see you later tonight my darling.” she said gently kissing me on the lips.
“See you later tonight.” I said getting out of the car and going inside and as expected my mom started asking me questions right away, I told her I was actually quite tired and going to bed but that I would tell her all about it in the morning "alright sweetie good night.”
“Good night mom.” I said heading up the stairs to my room. Once inside I lean against my bedroom door, I had a shit ton to process after tonight.
I should have known that meeting them would lead to something like this.
THE END of the Glowing Eyes saga
Sarah’s and Draya’s story will continue in a story titled 4th of July.